Dear Family,
Yep, I´m writing on a Tuesday, that´s because it´s transfer week again! Yeah, it always arrives so soon. So once again I´ll tell you all a little about my week and then I´ll tell you what´s gonna happen for transfers. :)
Yep, I´m writing on a Tuesday, that´s because it´s transfer week again! Yeah, it always arrives so soon. So once again I´ll tell you all a little about my week and then I´ll tell you what´s gonna happen for transfers. :)
I guess not much has heppened this last week, it´s only been 6 days actually. One funny thing was that on Thursday we made a deal with the Mom of Hna.Verónica (who wrote the letter to Mom). She´s not a member and never listened to the missionaries, but somehow we got her to propose that if my companion made her brownies she would listen. She said it in joke, but we took her word on it and on Saturday we made her the brownies. We couldn´t teach her that day but she´s trapped now haha.
Another cool thing was that on Friday we randomly met up with the dad of the family we baptized at the house of an investigator. He was going around doing visits with another member so we taught a lesson with all of us and it was really cool to hear him bear his testimony.
On Sunday I gave a talk in sacrament meeting about "loving thy neighbor as thyself". It was from a talk in the Liahona and had a couple really great stories, but I guess I made a member cry because she felt bad because I read a poem about a guy that never makes time to visit his old friend around the street corner, and this member had the exact same case. The neighbor that lives around the street corner showed up towards the end of church crying because her daughter was sick. Anyway, then we taught primary which was fun of course. Our branch is about 80% kids.Then after church we went to the house of the hermana that showed up crying because her daughter is sick. Her daughter has pneumonia and her brother died of the same thing just a couple weeks ago. We went with the branch president and the 18year old 1st counselor and gave her a blessing. She´ll be fine.
Yesterday was pretty uneventful. The day before transfers is always wierd. It´s almost like Christmas Eve because of the anxiety haha. Ok so now that brings me to transfers. I´m gonna be leaving Federal and my companion will be staying. I´m going to a city called Pergamino. (Editor's note: The picture above is a photo I found online that shows Pergamino. Looks like a pretty big city compared to some of the small towns Coop has been serving in so far.) That means I´m traveling from the very northern end of the mission the far southern end. That means I have to pack like right now so that we can catch the bus to the city of Concordia tonight, and tomorrow I´ll probably be travelling for a good 12 hours or so. I´m excited though, I´m actually going to the exact same place my trainer finished his mission in. I´ll have to see if anyone remembers him haha. My new companion is latin, Elder Saavedra, but I don´t know where he´s from. I´m guessing Chile?
(Editor's note: I asked Cooper if he has received all of the boxes I sent him) Yeah, I think I´ve gotten everything you´ve sent me. The water filter has been really useful here because the water here is pretty bad and I don´t think you can find big bottles of water here. I got the books as well. Haha I loaned your "Whispers in the Leaves" book to the hermana that wrote you the letter because she asked me if I knew the church website for genealogy. I didn´t know so I lent her the book. She was really excited even though she can´t really read it. I haven´t read your books yet because I keep forgetting to ask permission from the President. We can only read books from the "missionary library" unless we ask permission.
Ok well have a great week everyone!! I´ll talk to you again next Wednesday and I´ll let you know how everything´s going! Love you all. Oh P.S. right now I´m making another DVD of pictures to send home.
Elder Boice
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