!Hola familita! (little family)
How is everyone? Thanks for the updates, that´s interesting about the ward change, I hope everyone likes the changes.
How is everyone? Thanks for the updates, that´s interesting about the ward change, I hope everyone likes the changes.
Sounds like mom and dad are pretty busy, Mom you gotta calm down! I don´t know how you do it.
But anyway I guess it´s my turn to tell about my week. Starting from last Wednesday. We´ve taught Camilo, our investigator from the Dominican Republic quite a few times. Last Wednesday we went to his house (he lives upstairs in a women´s shoe store haha), and I fixed his computer for him and then we taught about the plan of salvation.
The next day we had lunch with a member family and they invited him to come too so that was pretty fun. On Sunday Camilo went to church and then came to some meeting for young adults that night and he brought a friend too. That was really cool and helped a lot too. Camilo doesn´t live in our area but he was coming to our ward because he has friends here, but now he´s made friends in the ward where he´s technically supposed to go and the sister missionaries in that area are gonna start teaching him.
One of the sister missionaries actually got really mad at us because we were teaching someone from their area haha. But anyway, yesterday was probably the last time my companion and I will teach him, and it was the first time my companion and I cried in a lesson I think. Talking with Camilo about his story and about the pre-mortal existence we all felt like we knew each other before this life, and I really believe it. The sister missionaries are gonna finish teaching him and he´s gonna be baptized next week.
In other news from the last week, we had a zone conference with 2 zones and it was in our chapel so it was pretty fun because we had to get a lot of things ready for it and we taught a class/workshop to the 2 zones as well. My companion and I made a big remote control out of cardboard and we taught about different teaching techniques and keeping "control" of the lesson. It was pretty fun, we had a practice lesson and used the remote control to "freeze" the people teaching and talk with the class. (Editor's note: the picture above is from Cooper's Zone Conference. He's the tallest person in Argentina, I think!)
Oh also yesterday we helped with a move. An investigator family moved from another area into ours and so the missionaries did the move for them. I like doing moves in Argentina, it´s just so much simpler than in the States haha.
Let´s see, we also organized an activity for the youth. On Saturday we just played a bunch of sports and stuff. We couldn´t play with them but it was still fun because we got investigators and less-actives to come.Ok well I can´t really think of much more to say. So I guess that´s it for now! Love you family!
Elder Boice
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