Hi family!!!,
Hey sounds like everyone had a fun Labor day. I´ve only got a few minutes to write so I´ll make it quick. It was a really busy week, it just flew by.
Hey sounds like everyone had a fun Labor day. I´ve only got a few minutes to write so I´ll make it quick. It was a really busy week, it just flew by.
My first couple days we travelled to Rosario for a mission conference with all the zone leaders to plan out the next month. Things are really different now and it´s much more complicated teaching our investigators becuase planning is more complicated . It´s a lot of fun though. I´m getting to know the area and I really like it. The members here feed us like every day.
My companion´s name is Elder Saavedra. He´s from Chile and we have the same time in the mission. It´s pretty funny because he actually reminds me of Bryce Joe sometimes. He´s a Chilean Bryce. :) Haha yeah I think having a latin comp helps a lot with the spanish. When I make phone calls a lot of the time people think I´m my Chilean companion. And the other day when I was meeting the elders in the zone one Peruvian elder asked me if I was mexican haha.
Lets see. On Monday we had a meeting with all our missionaries in the zone and we got the stake president to come and speak to us, and what we´re trying to do is motivate everyone to "fast" from the things they need to change as missionaries. Or in other words we´re trying to purify ourselves (become more obedient) as a zone.
Yeah I´m having fun getting to know the new area and trying to figure out how to be a zone leader. It´s fun having a comp that has as much time as I do in the mission. We actually entered the mission at the same time, I never had seen him before though. We´re actually gonna have our next zone conference the 25th of September. The zone leaders have "mission conference" at the beginning of every month so I´ll be there in the mission home a little more now, it´ll be easier for packages to make it to me.
Haha that´s really cool how Janelle got proposed to, is her fiancé Polynesian? We actually got letters this last week and I got a DearElder.com from her, but she must have sent it before she got proposed to because she didn´t mention getting proposed to.
That sounds like you had a pretty fun labor day in the desert, you´ll have to send me those pictures! And yeah it was actually getting pretty hot in my last area, but it´s cooler down here. Yesterday I actually had to take out my jacket again, but today it´s nice out. Like spring already.
Oh! I almost forgot. The only things I can think of that I would like for my birthday are peanut butter and maybe some grape nuts or something. And if you end up sending me sweets I´m just gonna give them away cuz I´m sadly almost at my "6 months of sexy". Haha I don´t know if they said that back when you were in the mission but that´s the designated term for the last 6 months of the mission when you have to work out harder.
Ok well I´m pretty much out of time for now. I´ll try to give some better details next week. I love you all!! Keep being a great family,
Elder Boice
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