Dear Family,
I hope everyone´s doing well. Sounds like Mom´s super busy so I´m sure she´s ok cuz she´s in her environment ;)
I hope everyone´s doing well. Sounds like Mom´s super busy so I´m sure she´s ok cuz she´s in her environment ;)
That´s exciting that Jaren is going to Argentina! He´s gonna love it. I can´t believe Brady only has 4 months left and his parents already have his flight plans. Hey speaking of Brady, want to know something funny? I´m actually living in the same house with his companion from the MTC (Elder DeForest). I can´t wait to hear Brady´s stories from the mission, I´m sure he´ll have some good ones since he´s serving in Buenos Aires.
Anyway, it was a good week here. On Friday we did divisions and I stayed in my area with an Elder from Chile that´s really funny. He doesn´t know how to say much in english but the stuff he does say he says with a really good accent. He learned english before the mission because he always listened to Destiny´s Child, haha so he talks like a black woman, it´s pretty entertaining.
But anyway, it was a pretty uneventful day except we taught a Jehova´s witness which was pretty fun.On Saturday we did a little service for an old couple in our ward. The husband is paralyzed in half his body and they live in really poor conditions, but they didn´t want us to come and help, so my comp just told them "Ok well we´ll be at your house Saturday morning ready to work so find something for us to do, cuz if not we´ll just have to wash the dogs or something." That was pretty funny, but so anyway we showed up on Saturday and helped them clean and stuff. I thought they just had a dirt floor but I started sweeping in their "kitchen" and realized that there was a cement floor deep down there, so we uncovered that and fixed and cleaned some stuff. The abuelita (grandmother) gave us a jar filled with chile pepper things cuz they wanted to give us something, which was really nice.
A funny note from the week is that my companion borrowed from another elder a "pet trainer" thing. It´s like a remote control that sends out a really high frequency that annoys dogs, so of course since Argentina is filled with dogs we had a lot of fun with that as we walked around during the week.
On Sunday night the sisters in the zone called because they wanted a blessing of comfort. They were just feeling pretty down and felt like they were doing things wrong. My companion said it changed completely the way he thinks of the sister missionaries, because he used to think they were just the young women who couldn´t get married, but now he sees that they have something really special that Elders just don´t have.
There´s a few really good people we´ve been teaching recently. One is a family that´s really nice. We still haven´t met the daughter because she´s a computer addict and she´s always on the computer. Haha, sound familiar? It´s actually the first time I´ve seen this here because hardly anyone has a computer in their house.
Also yesterday we taught a really great guy from the Dominican Republic. I think we´re now officially teaching the only black man in all of Argentina, haha. He was really awesome though, we taught him in the church, and I think he just might be a golden investigator. We´ll see. We gave him a tour of the church afterwards and when we showed him the baptismal font we talked to him about baptism as we looked at a picture on the wall of Christ´s baptism. The Spirit was stronger at that moment than during the whole lesson which was really cool, I had never done that before.
Well that´s about all I have to report from this week. Have a great week everyone! Take care! I love you all!
Elder Boice
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