Hey Family,
Thanks a lot for the pictures, that´s always fun to see pictures of people I haven´t seen for a long time (the Sheridan family looks way different now!). And it looks like everyone had a lot of fun on your weekend in the desert.
Well I don´t think there´s too much to tell about this past week.We did another service project for a family in the ward. They live on a corner and there´s a bunch of tall grass and trash and stuff in their yard. They´re both return missionaries but they´re kind of less-active now. So anyway we helped them out with that and cut the grass and cleaned up a little. It was pretty funny because we didn´t have a weed-wacker to cut the grass with so we went around the neighborhood asking around if someone could loan us one. (Note: no one uses a real lawnmower to cut the grass, they use weedwackers). But of course no one had one and the people that did lied and said they didn´t, but that was ok cuz this family eventually borrowed one from an uncle or something. So that was a fun service activity. I think we don´t really do a whole lot of service in our mission, so it´s always fun when we can.
I´d say the highlight of this last week was one of our investigators, Camilo. He´s the guy I mentioned last week who´s from the Dominican Republic. On Saturday we taught him for the second time and it was a really good lesson. We taught him in the church with a member. And we asked him if he had prayed about the Book of Mormon. He said yes, and that he felt wierd. We asked why and he said because he didn´t feel anything when he asked but that he felt something now. He said "como si algo bajó y subió en mi pecho", (as if something had moved in his chest). It was one of the few times in my mission where an investigator feels the Spirit and points it out on his own.
So it was a really good lesson, and on Monday we taught him again and watched the movie of the Restoration. He wants to be baptized but wants to time to prepare because he says it´s gonna take time so that he can leave the world.
We have another lesson today with him in like an hour.So I´d say in our area things are going really well. Yesterday we went to help out a different area in the zone because they´re not doing so well. We´re still trying to figure out why.
But anyway, I guess that´s a little summary of my week.
I love you all, take care! or as they say here (¡Cuidensén!)
Elder Boice
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