Dear family,
It´s been a good week. Right now I´m in the city of Concordia. (See the attached pictures.) We´ve been here since yesterday morning. We lose a lot of sleep in my area because at least once a week we have to travel here which means waking up at 3:45am and taking a 2 hour bus ride. I think this is the 3rd time in this last week that we´ve had to take this trip. I need a nap! :)
It´s been a good week. Right now I´m in the city of Concordia. (See the attached pictures.) We´ve been here since yesterday morning. We lose a lot of sleep in my area because at least once a week we have to travel here which means waking up at 3:45am and taking a 2 hour bus ride. I think this is the 3rd time in this last week that we´ve had to take this trip. I need a nap! :)
Let´s see what happened this week. Wednesday we found a cool guy named Rafael. We taught him the first lesson and he was really excited because he said he has a neice and nephew who are members and he can start reading the Book of Mormon and helping them to be active in church again.
Thursday I can´t remember anything really, Friday we travelled here to Concordia to do divisions and I went with a super funny/weird Peruvian Elder. It was fun and we had to kind of end a fight between a lady and her mom that she takes care of (just a fight of words don´t worry).
The next day when we got back to Federal (our city) we remembered that we had an activity in the church for el día del niño (kid´s day), yes it´s a holiday here. We had forgotten but we were supposed to help so we went and it was actually really good. (The sister that wrote Mom the letter is who organized everything.) I´ll have to send pictures. I´ve got some pretty funny pics of my comp because he basically is a 10-year-old kid trapped in an adult´s body so he was doing everything with the kids haha. It was a lot of fun. 40 kids came, but only half went to church the next day.
Sunday was pretty normal, they assigned me a talk for next Sunday. Monday was actually a pretty rough day. I don´t know why but it was just one of those days where EVERYONE rejects you or isn´t home.Anyway so then yesterday morning we came up to Concordia again and we did divisions with the zone leaders. It was pretty fun. We just taught a new convert and a less-active family.
And that brings me to today. Pday! We played soccer today and like always the latins play way better than the "yankees". I´m still learning the rules haha. Well so that was my week wrapped up. So school already started again!? And Brad is starting seminary and high school?! What in the world?! When did this happen? Where does the time go?
Well I´m glad it sounds like Mom and Dad you had a great time in Puerto Rico, and Mom, out of all those foods you mentioned I don´t think they have any of it here. There are 3 main food groups in Argentina: oil, noodles, and meat. Ok well have a great week everyone! Have fun starting a new school year!! Chao.
Elder Boice
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