Hey family,
Sounds like everyone had a fun cabin trip. :) Right now I´m looking at a bunch of pictures that dad sent me from the cabin. It´s taking super long to open the pictures cuz I´m on a way slow computer, so I´m gonna write about my week while I wait for the pictures to open up one by one.
Let´s see, there´s a few people we started to teach this week. Our branch president came by our house one night because he had found some people that wanted us to teach them. The first person is the nephew of our branch president. He´s 8 years old but his parents are less-active so they want us to teach him before he gets baptized.
The other person that wanted us to teach her is a lady named Cecilia. We had already taught her before, but she didn´t show too much interest until now. There´s a family in our area who´s 19 year old son Diego went to Buenos Aires for a couple months and recently came back with her. She´s like 30 and has 5 kids, so it´s kinda weird. Needless to say they have lots of problems and it just got to the point where they both want to change. It´s a really sad situation because this lady just seems trapped. So we´ll see what happens, but I really like teaching them just because the gospel changes people, and if they let themselves change it´s gonna be a really big change.
Let´s see. On Sunday we talked to the father of a family that won´t let his children get baptized. If you looked up stumbling block in the dictionary I´m pretty sure you´d find his picture in there. He said as long as he is alive and walking upon the earth his children won´t be baptized in the church because they have to follow the religion they were born into. Oh well... It was an interesting experience though. I´ve met so many stubborn and hard-hearted people on my mission, I just don´t understand it.
Well so then yesterday we had a zone conference. It was really good, one of my favorites actually. I started feeling kind of sick afterwards, I think I must have eaten something bad for lunch, and so I decided to stay in the zone leaders´ apartment that night (we were in a different city about 2 hours away). So I just kind of layed there on a mattress for a few hours and then at night I ended up throwing up. Gross. I felt way better after that though, haha. I felt really bad though, because out of ALL the places I could have thrown up, it HAD to be like the one place in all of Argentina that has a carpet floor. Their apartment has somewhat of a carpet floor, and I´m not joking it may be the only carpet I´ve seen in all of Argentina besides in the mission home. So anyway that was a bummer.
But so this morning we traveled back to our city and I feel fine now. I don´t think I was sick I think I just ate something bad. Luckily it happened yesterday though because today´s P-day so we didn´t lose any time to work. Yep so now we´re finishing up P-day.
Oh I got some mail at the zone conference. Some from Mom and from Tracey and Tanner. Gracias! It sounds like they´re all doing well. Sounds like Tanner is learning spanish really well. I´m sure he´ll be more prepared to learn spanish than I was if he serves a spanish-speaking mission.
Oh and mom asked me how we wash our clothes here so I guess I´ll answer that.Basically I use a plastic bucket that used to be a trash can. I cleaned it out so I could wash in it. I put my clothes in the bucket, boil some water, pour detergent into the bucket with the clothes, pour in some more water, mix it around a little bit, then leave it there to sit. I never find time to actually wash a bunch of clothes, so I usually end up rinsing some out every night and hanging it up to dry for the next day. In order to hang our clothes up to dry we just put the clothes on hangers and hang them from the window curtains.
Yep thats pretty much it. Ok well I´m out of time now, but I finished looking at all the pictures, thanks dad! Have a great week everyone! I love you all!
Love,Elder Boice
Love,Elder Boice
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