Hey family,
So it sounds like everyone´s at the cabin right now? Cool, I hope everyone has fun. Fishing? Roasting marshmellows over the campfire? Horseback riding? A parade filled with saltwater taffey? Tons of kids running around? I hope everyone has a great time as always. I have lots of good memories from the cabin.
So it sounds like everyone´s at the cabin right now? Cool, I hope everyone has fun. Fishing? Roasting marshmellows over the campfire? Horseback riding? A parade filled with saltwater taffey? Tons of kids running around? I hope everyone has a great time as always. I have lots of good memories from the cabin.
Well so I´m thinking back on the week trying to remember what happened. I´ll start out with a funny story: We wash our clothes by hand in this area. My companion the other night had a funny experience. We usually let our clothes soak over night or over a period of days in a bucket and we rinse the clothes out as the days go by just because we can never find time to just wash. Usually we wash clothes at night when we get back to the house. So my companion finished rinsing the last clothes he had in his bucket, and he poured out the dirty water into the sink, and what do you know! A stiff mouse came falling out and landed in the sink. I was in the other room so I came running when I heard "Noooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!"Haha
Let´s see. We had a pretty good week actually, even if my companion was scarred from the mouse incident. One really cool thing is we got a reference of a family to teach. It´s a family of 16 people. One of the daughters is a member with her family, but her other 13 brothers and sisters aren´t members. Some of them already want to be baptized but their dad won´t let them. I don´t know why that always happens in this area. I think this is like the 4th case of a parent that refuses to let their kid get baptized. But anyway, it´s a HUGE family, and they all live in the same tiny house. SO many kids running around.Besides that I can´t really think of a lot.
Oh yeah and for mom, there´s a member in our area that wrote you a letter, and so I mailed it for her. Let me know if you get it, cuz I still don´t know what it says. Oh also right now I´m making a DVD of pictures to send you, I don´t know when. I can´t really think of anything else to tell about this week. Last night a member family called to have us come over to give a blessing of health. That was cool I guess and doesn´t happen too often. The dad is the 2nd counselor but we had to help him out because he wasn´t really sure how to give a blessing. I can´t remember how much I´ve said about the branch here. There´s only 3 priesthood holders in the city (active that is), and they´re the branch president and his 2 counselors. The 1st counselor is actually only 18 years old, Pretty cool.
I really like being in this area where the church is so small. It´s lots of fun even though it can be hard to get things going for lack of active members. Well ok that´s all for this week. I love you all and I hope you all have a great week and a great time at the cabin!!
Elder Boice
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