September 1, 2008
Dear family,
It´s been a good and crazy week. I guess I´ll start by talking about the new house/pension we are living in now. And I´ll try to send some pictures I took when we were moving.
(Editor's Note: I asked him what that silver lever was above the oven on the wall to the left of the missionaries in the picture...it looks like a toilet lever. He said he never did figure out what it went to!)
Well first of all we are true Argentines because when we moved we took EVERYTHING. Right down to the toilet seat. When we got to the new house (with all of our stuff in a big truck) we found out that the new house wasn´t exactly finished like they told us it would be. There was supposed to be a hot water heater, but that wasn´t hooked up. They didn´t clean up the house, and the front door doesn´t stay shut on its own. Also the water didn´t work, but we got the water to work the second day we were there.
Also one of the bide´s dissapeared somehow. lol, idk figure that one out. Apparently the water in our new neighborhood doesn´t work so well, the tank above your house just slowly fills up at night. And the water pressure in the house just comes from the fact that the water is on top of your house. Go gravity! So yeah we´ve been trying to be really careful with our water cuz it runs out kind of easily. We started doing dishes using two buckets but then we got lazy and now we´re just doing it in the sink like normal.
Oh and one thing I want you all to do: Next time you take a shower, be thankful for how awesome it is! haha. We have shower heads instead of the bucket shower like in our last pension. But the bucket shower is so much better!! Here the water is freezing cold cuz we don´t have hot water so there´s no way to take a hot shower. And there´s not really any water pressure, the water falls out about 4 inches from the wall haha. So umm yeeahh, we´ve kind of stopped taking as m
any showers...I´m pretty sure this is day 4 without a shower for one Elder here because he can´t stand the cold hahaha.

Ok that´s enough about our house, it really is nice though cuz it´s bigger. That´s the reason we moved, just because it was a 2 man pinch and there were 4 of us in there.
Alright on to the actual mission work! We found some great people this week. One guy we found we taught him a lesson with his son (who is 8, yes!) and they were really receptive, and he even said that he never is home the hour that we came to his house but that day something told him to come home from work early. Oh and his son Jeremias (how awesome is that he´s named after a prophet, totally should be Mormon). Jeremias had cut out the picture of Christ in a pamphlet we left the Dad when we met him, and he had pasted it on the wall in his room. How cool is that! Well, he also lit a candle under it like a little Catholic kind of thing but it´s a start haha.
We also taught another lesson in the home of the 1st counselor who lives with his viejito dad. He´s a little old guy (viejito) that´s pretty sick, but we taught a lesson to the lady that takes care of the dad. And it was a great lesson. We watched the Restauracion (Restoration) video to finish the lesson. Also there´s something thrilling about getting off the bus to get home in time and sprinting the last few blocks to make it in the door with 30 seconds to spare. Haha life is different as a missionary.
Oh and one other thing I just thought was funny and wanted to mention was I saw a car that had a little kid´s bicycle tire as a steering wheel. Just thought someone back home might get a kick out of that. Haha I´ve seen more than one car with a lawn chair as the drivers´s seat too.
Ok well that just about wraps up this last week. I´m gonna try to send some pictures and I need to write the President.
Love you all!
Elder Boice
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