(Editor's note: The picture of the painter is NOT Cooper. I just wanted to add an image that went with his letter! I guess it sorta looks like him...)
Un dia loco! (Crazy Day) Yeah, normally I will never email this late because P-day ends at 6:00, but today was really crazy and we didn´t have time to do any normal P-day stuff until now. (Editor's note: 5:00 pm Las Vegas time)
I don´t think we´re gonna even have time to do groceries tonight, but we got permission from the President to do email at night. We spent all day today fixing up our old pension. The dueƱo (the owner) wanted us to do a bunch of stuff to fix it up, so we spent a lot of this last Friday and then all day today painting and fixing it. And then my companion and I sprinted down here to the closest cyber so we can do our email before the day ends.
It was a success though, and now our old pension looks way better than the brand new one we have now! Let´s see, I have to be short cuz we have to leave soon to get home on time. So Calvin I´m sorry I won´t have time to fill out your Personal Feedback sheet. Maybe I will fill it out next P-day, so let me know if you still need it!
Well I had a good week. And we´re all glad that we´re done with this whole moving thing (we hope), cuz it made a lot of problems for us! Besides fixing up a little house, we were able to do some missionary work too, that´s always good ;).
We found some cool people this week. First we found a lady that lives with a member lady in a house right across the street from the church. That was cool because apparently she´s gone to church a few times. Also we found another lady right on the side of a pretty bad neighborhood. That is awesome. We had stopped by a few times trying to get a cita (appointment) and on Saturday we went in and taught the first lesson and showed her the movie of the Restauration (is that how it´s spelled?). (Editor's note: Coop just spelled in Spanglish! That's a great sign that he's really thinking in Spanish now!) And she had the reaction that we always want. She said she felt something she couldn´t explain, that it was really great. So we took it to the scriptures, bore testimony, and slam dunk! She came to church the next day with her little kid. But that was awesome because she is the second person that we have got to come to church ever since I´ve been here. And she´s coming back next week and seems really great.
Also something funny I wanted to mention. There´s something about being a missionary...where, you could talk to someone for like 30 seconds and before you know it they are telling you all their darkest secrets and personal problems... and it happens all the time to us. I think part of it has to do with the fact that people are more open down here in Argentina, but still. Even if people have no desire to hear the Gospel they just trust us I guess.
Ok my time´s about up and its´time to go run back to our pench! I love you all. Have a great week, and thanks for all the emails!
Elder Boice
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