Hi family,
How´s everything going in Vegas? Everythings good down here. And thanks Mom for sending me that email about the missionaries in Bolivia. That´s pretty cool, haha I wish I got to flee a country in civil war. haha Just kidding.
Yeah I wouldn´t have even known there was anything going on in Bolivia except that an investigator had the t.v. on one time when we came in and she turned it off and said Bolivia was in civil war or something. The biggest civil unrest that goes on here in Argentina is just people refusing to work. Oh wait a second they do that every day between 12 and 4 and call it the siesta. He he just kidding.
Actually there has been a paro for a while in the registro civil. Which really stinks for the mission work. Because hardly anyone is married here. And you can´t get baptized without being married, if you're just living together "in sin". And you can´t get married without the registro civil! I´m not really sure what the deal is actually but we are probably gonna have to figure it out soon because we have a golden investigator but she isn´t married.
So this last week... We had a good week. Not too much to report except for this golden investigator we have! I can´t remember if I´ve mentioned her yet. But she came to church again yesterday. We actually went to pick her up and go with her but she had already left. ¿Qué tal eh? We´ve taught her a couple times and she basically is just completely receptive and loves it. Her marido (husband except they're not actually married) is a little tougher though, he´s durito (hardened) haha. But they´ve been reading everything we leave them with and the husband/marido has been asking questions about it and listening now. I think if people just listened it would be almost impossible to not convert, but there´s just so many people here that can´t listen. But yeah we finally have someone that is on their way to baptism.
So basically we´re doing great! That´s the biggest news for this week I guess. Besides that, I don´t think I´ve ever mentioned about how it is to live with a Chileno Elder... It´s pretty fun and it´s interesting to see the way he does things different. It´s also super funny to listen to him sing songs that are in english. I guess I´ll be able to learn about living with a Latino once I have a latino comp though...
Lets see, besides that, we lost our hermana (sister) that used to wash our clothes so it´s been back to the bucket. Oh and I have a question. What is your new address in Las Vegas!!?? I´ve had a dvd of pictures that I wanted to send home a long time ago, but I still don´t know the address to send it to. Also I´m supposed to tell the mission office if my family changes address, email, telephone number, home ward or stake. So could you tell me all the new things so I can get it to the mission office? Thanks!
Oh and one more thing Mom. Next p-day is on Tuesday because we have transfers! Love you bye! Ok well until next week. Have a great week everyone!
Love you all.
Elder Boice
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