I told Cooper that our new Bishop at church served his mission in Argentina, as well as the new Young Men's President! Our last Bishop was FROM Argentina and our former Stake President served his mission there too. Seems to me that Argentina is the training place for great spiritual leaders! Here was Cooper's reply:
Wow what can I say, I guess Argentina is the place to be. Well I´m gonna give you a quick summary of my week, cuz I´m almost out of time to write and I still need to write to the Mission President.
Well, we had interviews with the President earlier this week and that was actually really fun, and it´s fun to get to know the President a little better. He´s not quite as intimidating now haha. He´s really great though and of course always has great advice, like mission presidents are supposed to.
Hmmm, I don´t think I have any really amazing or fun stories this week. But we were able to get into a lot more houses this week and teach, and that´s been awesome. We´re starting to teach a lot more and we´re getting more members to come with us to our better citas (appointments).
We´ve pretty much spent the transfer so far mostly in 2 little areas of apartments/homes. Not really sure how to describe it, but they´re pretty humble areas. One of them I never even knew existed last transfer but we´ve found some receptive people there. It´s probably the armpit of our area in terms of where you would want to live...but hey if the people want to hear the Gospel we´ll spend all day there!
Well yep nothing more to report this week. Good lessons, good people=good week. Sounds like things are going well at home. Haha and that´s weird to imagine 4 chairs at the dinner table. Weird I bet you feel super outnumbered by the Longs now! haha.
(Editor's note: I send Cooper some Spanish "word of the day" emails, and this was his comment on today's...) Haha yesterday´s word of the day was "equipo" and it just reminded me of a funny phrase. Yesterday my comp and I were talking about an investigator and he said something about "como es difícil enseñar a una persona cuando le falta algunos jugadores en la cancha." Haha anyways, I just thought that was funny. (Translation: it's hard to teach a person when they're one person short of a team.....meaning, they're not "all there.")
Thanks for renewing my driver´s license! That´s cool that you got the house looking good. Our new pension here still doesn´t look very good. There´s just no time to do stuff like that when you´re a missionary.
Ok, well until next week! Keep being awesome!
Elder Boice
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