Dear family,
I´m emailing Mom while I´m writing this as well, but this will be my big summary of the last week. Well the first week of this new transfer is over now. It´s been a good hard week and today is super crazy. We´re moving today, what do you know just like you guys just did! haha, yeah so we are switching to a different pension that´s bigger and super nice! It has 2 bathrooms (with bides), I have no idea how you spell that but that´s probably how it´s spelled in spanish. sounds like buhday in english... (editor's note: the correct spelling is "bidet")
Anyways, yeah it will be really nice cuz it´s a lot bigger. We even have a hot water heater so we´ll be taking real showers!! How awesome is that! I´m guessing moving for us is a little easier than it was for you guys though. We packed up our whole pension and all our stuff this morning in about an hour and a half. And we called a flete (a big truck) to come but it didn´t show up so we called another guy and he said he´ll be here at 3 so about in an hour. Then we´ll throw everything in there, drive to the new pension, and throw it back out into our new home! Oh yeah except we don´t have the key to the new pension yet so that could be a problem since we´re moving in about an hour. Here's another lovely photo of my area:

In other news, my new companion´s name is Elder Tolman. He´s from somewhere in Utah, I can´t remember the name of the city or town though. Which is super funny cuz he is like the classic Utah kid. Before the mission he had a lengthy mullet and was mighty proud of it. His favorite thing is motocross, he has a family of 8, and the other day I asked him what his first name was...and he told me it started with a C. What do you know? So I guessed, Colt, Colby, Cody, Colton...it was Cody. haha I thought that was funny. Ok I´m done teasing him though haha. He´s a great worker and we´ve been working really hard. And he knows how to work with the members too which I think we hav
e been lacking here.

Oh yeah that reminds me. Something I wanted to tell Lauren cuz I know this will be passed on to her, hehe. I still haven´t been able to send the letter I wrote last P-day, sorry! So you´re gonna have to wait another week and get 2 at the same time. Just so that you don´t wait all week wondering why you haven´t gotten a letter, there is one it´s just delayed! Ok ttyl I love you!Ok, end of message to Lauren. I´m probably not really supposed to do that, I´m not sure. I guess it´s fine as long as it´s being relayed through you Mom.
That also reminds me, it´s been 3 weeks since I´ve gone to the grocery store because we never have time. I have just gotten cereal and milk and bread a couple time at the kiosko by our house. Hopefully we can go today but honestly right now it´s not really looking like it.
Well, I don´t really know what more to say about the week. We accidently locked the other Elders we live with out of our pension and that turned into a crazy night and I ended up riding with my comp in the back of an old pick up truck and then running to the church to get to a cita on time. (cita=appointment). We set up a few really good citas this week but they all foj´d us. (nos fallaron=they failed us). It´s especially dissapointing when you get the members involved and the members go out of their way to do something and then the investigator doesn´t show up.
Ok well I´m out of time so I´ve got to go now! Have a great week everyone! Hopefully next week won´t be as stressful (for me and for all of you). I love you all, good luck with starting school. Start it right and make good friends!
Élder Boice
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