Here's this week's letter from the best missionary in the world:
I can´t believe how fast the transfer is going by, do we really only have 9 days left of this transfer? Well so it´s been kind of a hard week. Actually my comp and I have been having kind of a tough time with investigators the last few weeks. I don´t know why we´re having such a hard time getting people to church. We focused all this last week on trying to get our investigators into church but just couldn´t. I´ll let you know when we figure out what our problem is. There´s plenty things we can improve of course, but we really have been trying hard.
In less depressing news, I´ll tell you all about some of the funny little things you notice in Argentina. For example, the other day we were talking and I realized that they don´t have parking lots in Argentina. Except for the Wal-Mart here in the city, that is the only one I´ve seen.
Oh and another thing here that is super funny...! I can´t remember if I´ve talked about this before, I don´t think I have... Every medical problem here is related to blood pressure. If an Argentine is ever feeling sick he blames it on his pressure. "¡Ay, me bajó la presión!" (Oh! My blood pressure dropped!) The other day we were at a part-member-family´s house, and the mom was talking about how her sister recently died. And of course the initial cause was that her pressure rose too much.
Oh there is one other thing that happens all the time. You always hear people talking about having an "ataca de igado", attack of the liver. Apparently if that ever really happened you would die (according to an Elder who´s dad is a doctor in the states). So we just think it´s funny that they use it as an excuse for anything.
Ok well I can´t really think of anything else to talk about, it wasn´t that eventful of a week. I guess our water wasn´t working for a while, it´s kind of a gamble sometimes if the water is going to work. But we were fine. Yep so everything´s going well here, we´re just trying to pick up the ball so we can start having some more success here again. We´re going to a restaurant at noon to celebrate for an Elder that goes home next week, so that should be fun.
Ok, I´m gonna teach you how to speak in Vos. But you have to be careful it´s a little tricky. What you do is for conjugating present tense you drop the R and add an S and put an accent on the last syllable. Ejemplo: "Tenés que doblar a la derecha."For command you drop the R and add an accent. Ejemplo: "¡Vení vos!" or "¡Andáte!" or "Mirá, soy Catolico. No te puedo atender."
Yep it´s always very classy when it´s used. It´s just a lazy way of conjugating, just kind of a "whatever" way to talk I guess. People use it to talk to kids, dogs, strangers, their wives. It´s on all the advertisements you see too. "Querés coca-cola" Apparently Argentina and I think Paraguay are the only countries that really use it like that. Kinda wierd.
I love you all!
Elder Boice
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