Well so today is the last day of my second transfer. Which means tomorrow I´m technically not a Nuevito (Newbie) anymore!! Your first 2 transfers generally you are with your trainer. I think I should find out the new transfers in a few minutes from the Zone leader. But I´m predicting that I stay here in this area and my trainer goes somewhere else. Also I´m hoping I get a latin comp (companion) cuz that would be really cool and be really helpful with my spanish. I mean my "Casteshano"...haha that still cracks me up. I need to get rid of my Shankee accent still.
But all in all it was a great couple transfers. Even though technically I was only in the country for half of the first transfer. We worked really hard and were dissapointed that we didn´t have any baptisms during the transfer. So I guess we´ll just have to change that this next transfer. Transfers are every 6 weeks. And the zone leaders just get an email and we´re all here gathered in the cyber cafe, waiting to hear.
So a little about my last week. We had zone conference this last Wednesday!! Yeah I love zone conference! And at the end of Zone Conference they give us mail which makes it even better! So I got 2 packages from Lauren and I think 3 letters besides that. That was pretty much awesome!!! Then the next day was my companion´s birthday. So that night we made him a cheesecake that the other companionship we live with bought. (I don´t know where they found it but it was awesome). So that was fun.
Then the next day one of our Zone Leaders went home, so we said goodbye to him. Also my dreams are usually in spanish now. And yesterday I got bit by a dog and it ripped my pants! Dag nabit! That´s the second time I got bit by a dog here! The first time was by a crazy tiny little dog that had a muzzle on but still managed to get me somehow. And last night a big dog came out of nowhere and bit me in the calf and put a hole in my pants. But don´t worry it didn´t break the skin, and the first tiny dog only did a tiny bit. You know why it didn´t? Cuz being a missionary comes with lots of blessings! Yep so my pants are looking kind of bad now, I´ll probably do a really ghetto sew-job and they´ll be good as new.
Well it´s South America so there´s always random dogs roaming the streets. It´s really hard to tell which dogs have owners and which don´t. The funniest thing is how they keep their dogs on the roofs. That´s always funny to see except it doesn´t really seem weird anymore. I guess if they dont have a yard it´s a way to keep them in one place if they decide they don´t want it roaming the streets for a while. Actually sometimes I´m not sure how they get their dogs up there. Sometimes they have stairs that get up to their roof from the inside of their house I think. Thats if they have a nice house. There are some nice houses in Paraná.
HAHA (Editor's note: I told Cooper that our dog Blaze...who is sometimes lovingly referred to as "Pooter" is shedding a lot because he's not used to living in Las Vegas heat, so Tom wants to shave him). Yes! You should shave POOTER!! But be sure to leave him a sweet mullet. I mean a ferocious mane.
In more good news though, yesterday I finished reading the Book of Mormon out loud in spanish. I wanted to do it in one transfer, and guess what, I did it in 5 weeks! Our mission president during zone conference said he wants us to read the Book of Mormon as a mission in 90 days. So I just started over again this morning. I´m sure I´ll get more out of it this time. This time I´ll be marking it up more since I have more time.
Wow, that is really weird you´re living in Las Vegas now. Um for a care package I could probably use some deodorant and liner socks. They don´t have the normal kind of deoderant I used back in the states, so that would be nice to have. I don´t know if you know what kind I used, Calvin might remember...And yeah we have to pay a little bit when we receive a package just because the Argentine government found an excuse to get more money.
And yes I got Lauren´s care packages! She sent 2 and they were super awesome. There was a ton of cool stuff in them. Besides the letters which is always the best part, I think my favorite part was the cereal. The other Elders loved the cereal and the skittles too, probably because that was the only part I could share. haha. I can´t remember everything that was in it, but lets see there was also a cook book, flashlight, socks, foot powder, a cool tie (that I´m wearing right now), some stickers, a bunch of cool stuff.
So you didn´t see Lauren again before you left? That´s ok, you´ll see her again even if it´s about a year and a half from now... haha. Wow so Will and Adam are back?! That´s so crazy, I bet they will be so different by the time I see them again. So I guess Will must be excited for the next batman movie to come out. I think it´s funny now that I´ve been out for long enough all the movies that come out I´ve never even heard of before. Like one Elder said that another Mummy movie came out.
Wait so before I forget, my new comp is Elder Tolman, and I have no idea who he is, I just found out. So he should be coming down here tomorrow and I´ll let you know how he is next week when I email. My new comp is American, oh well. That reminds me though. Just a dumb missionary thing. Every day someone has to pick a hymn to sing in our pinch (apartment) someone will say "How about number 210, Busca con fe?" (Search with faith)...cuz in the spanish hymn book there are only 209 hyms.
Wow so Calvin is going to BYU next week? That´s crazy! and awesome! Well that´s about all for now. I love you all!
Elder Boice
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