Hey Family,
Thanks for the great emails this week for letting me know everything going on out there in Vegas. Sounds like things are going well, building your own little army of Boice boys haha.
Alright so I´ll let you all know about how my week went. Wednesday we had Zone Conference. And since my area is pretty far away it became a 3 day trip. We travelled to a different area on Tuesday night. We stayed with the Elders there, slept on their floor a couple hours, then got up early and we took a little bus full of missionaries to the city where we had the zone conference. My eyes were red and I felt like a zombie cuz we only got like an hour of sleep that night, but I was able to stay awake and fine for the whole conference, and it was really good.
One big change that we´re making as a mission is our work schedule. As a mission we used to do our studies during the siesta because the whole city is sleeping during the middle of the day. But now we´re going to do all our studies in the morning and then work the rest of the day. I think it´s going to work out a lot better this way. We can´t really find people during the siesta but I think we´re gonna spend a lot of siestas looking for less active members, doing service, etc. After the zone conference we travelled back in a little bus and we spent the night in the same place we did when we came up to the conference. Then the morning after we travelled back to our area. So that was the end of that excursion.
One good experience was a lesson we taught to the sister of a member in our branch a few days ago. We started teaching her by teaching the plan of salvation. This lady is the mom of the 2 girls that we had been teaching.So she has another little girl that´s about 2 or 3 years old. We arrived at the house and were getting ready to start the lesson, but the little girl was crying a lot because her teeth were hurting her.
I´m not really sure what was wrong with her, but she has some kind of infection in her gums because of the way her teeth are growing, and it´s all swollen. So the sister thats a member said we could give a blessing to the little girl before starting, so we did. And the pain almost instantly left the little girl. After that she started asking for food, bread and stuff that she couldn´t eat before because it was too painful. And then she ran around and played outside while we gave the lesson. So on that note we taught the plan of salvation, and it went really well. The mom came to church yesterday. Well I think that was the highlight of the week. Giving blessings to little kids is one of my favorite things ever in the mission. Now I know why Christ always did it :)
Well ok that´s all for this week. One more thing is I want to wish a happy birthday to Bo!!! It´s in 3 days right? Oh yeah and also I received my hump day package, so I opened it about a month early haha. And it was great!! So far I´ve just eaten the grapenuts, but everything else looks amazing too. And my comp and I are gonna make steak with mashed potatoes today because that steak seasoning smells so good. So thank you!!
And yes I still have a bunch of deet and now those dryer sheets too. But I have yet to use any of it. I get bit every once in a while but not really. I think I just don´t have sweet blood, I don´t know. Even my latin comps get bit more than me I think. Haha.
Yeah, you asked if that was my watch in the picture I sent....yeah that was my watch but don´t worry I bought
another one. But then that one broke too but I have another one. But now it´s kinda broken too but I´ll see how much longer it pulls through and then get another one. This is why I don´t like watches.

Have a great week everyone!
Elder Boice
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