(Editor's note: I just mailed Cooper another care package today, full of American cereal and snacks. He says the only cereal they have in Argentina is Corn Flakes, so he just loves ANYTHING else!)
Dear Family,
Well I just finished writing a big long email but the computer froze right as I clicked send so I don´t think you got it. I can´t write everything again so...I´ll sum it up. I had a great week with lots of good stories, dog bites, people convicted of murder, great lessons, machetes. I guess I´ll have to tell about all that another day. I had some pictures too, I´ll send those too, next week I guess.
I hope you´re all in suspense, haha I hope I made it sound more exciting than it really was. :)But today we found out transfers and I´m leaving GualeguaychĂș and going to Rosario. And my new comp´s name is Elder Joglar. He´s really new and I assume from the states.
Ok gotta go. I love you all! Thanks for everything.
Elder Boice
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