Here's Cooper's letter this week:
Hey Family,
Sounds like you had daylight savings this weekend. I hope everyone´s not too tired from the lost hour of sleep.
Hey Brad sent me an email that he already picked his classes for high school, that´s crazy. I guess here in Argentina all the kids just started the school year this last week, but in the states the end is getting close.
Really not a lot happened this last week. This last Tuesday was interesting. I taught my second district meeting. And one of the hermana missionaries in my district has been having problems with one of her knees, it´s been really hurting her. So we gave her a blessing, but the way it came out I´m not gonna be surprised if she has to go home. So that´s kinda sad, we all hope not, but she´s really worried about it. She went to a doctor yesterday to get it x-rayed and everything. But we don´t know yet.
Then later that day we blessed a house and blessed another little kid that was sick. As for teaching this week, it was kind of disappointing, nothing really great or exciting. As of now we don´t really have anyone programmed to be baptized in the next few weeks. So obviously we have to fix that this week :)
Oh but that reminds me. This last Sunday I prepared a talk about the sabbath day. (I wasn´t able to give it), but I wanted to talk a little about your book, Mom. I was wondering if you could send me a copy of "Sabbath Solutions" in the next package you send. I´ll have to ask the mission president for permission to read it I think haha but I think your book would really help, especially to give a talk about that. (Editor's note: Wow! One of my sons finally actually wants to read one of the books I've written! Amazing!)
(Another editor's note: I met a returned missionary from Argentina last week and asked him what he missed about Argentina and he mentioned these cookies called "Alfajor." I asked Cooper if he had ever tasted them and this was his reply):
Hahaha yeah there are definitely some Elders out here who are alfajor addicts. I´ve actually never bought one though. Missionaries here would probably start a mob if I told them that, lol. But yeah I´ve eaten some, every once in a while you just kind of end up with one, from the mission or another missionary or whatever. Hahah if you see that RM again you could ask him if he ever "milked" an alfajor. At least thats what the missionaries call it. It´s when you get a glass of hot chocolate and an alfajor, Then you take the alfajor and take a bite out of both ends, then you use the alfajor like a straw and you try to suck hot chocolate through it. By the time the hot chocolate gets to your mouth the alfajor is all melted and chocolaty inside so you just eat it all in one bite. I have to admit it was so delicious that I wrote about it in my journal. Hahahaha. One missionary at the beginning of my mission showed me that but I haven´t done it since. I almost forgot about that. Yummm
Well it´s time for me to go. Enjoy your week everyone, keep being a great family! Oh and Happy Birthday to Lauren! Thanks for everything family! Talk to you next week.
Hasta luegito,
Elder Boice
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