Hey family,
Well it was a good week. It started off really well. I was able to do my first baptismal interview, which was really cool. It was a young couple, and it was really neat hearing about their conversion and the changes they´ve made.
Basically a couple months ago they were thinking about getting seperated and divorced, and they both smoked. And now after hearing the missionaries they´ve fixed everything up so they want to stay together now, and they´ve stopped smoking, and basically they´re just doing great. They got baptized this last Saturday and confirmed yesterday! If anyone is confused, these baptisms were in a different area in my district. I just got to do the interview. (Editor's note: Cooper is now a District Leader and so conducting baptismal interviews is one of his job functions.)
Let´s see, that was this last Tuesday, after we had interviews with the president. Interviews were really good too. One thing I really need to work on is using my time better, being more organized and planning better. I say my time but it´s really not mine...it's the Lord's.
We were able to teach a little bit this week but on Sunday it rained so only 11 people came to church. Also we were gonna do an activity on Saturday night, but the branch president who has the keys came an hour late. But thats ok cuz he was the only one that came. So we´re gonna have to learn to plan things better.That may sound a little depressing but that´s ok we´ll do better this week.
As for something interesting that happened...the only thing I can think of is a lady in church who started telling everyone how voices in her watch talk to her, and she meditated for a while about that, and realized that Christ said he is Alpha and Omega. And the brand of her watch is Omega. So he must have been talking about her watch. Don´t worry she´s pretty old so it was mostly cute, just a little bit worrying.
Well I hope everything is going well family, Brad sounds like he´s doing great with his boxing, but I want to know what everyone else is up to too. :)
Alright well talk to ya next week. ¡Que Dios los bendiga! (God bless you!) Have a good week. Disfrutenlón. (Enjoy it!)
Chaucito (A little good-bye)
Chaucito (A little good-bye)
Elder Boice
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