Hey Family,
I hope everyone had a great week. I just realized that Valentines Day is later this week! So Calvin and Bradley, I hope you don´t have too many valentines this year, remember you can only have one. And Bo, you probably have like 100 valentines so try not to break too many hearts ;) .Haha
We actually had a couple girls set to get baptized this Saturday. After we commited them to be baptized that day we realized that it would be valentines day. Lol that might have been a little awkward, us baptizing 2 young women on valentines day. But they didn´t make it to church yesterday so we´re gonna have to move their baptismal date back. So we´re gonna look on the positive side, that might have been kind of weird right? Lol
ok I´ll tell you a little of what went on this week. We had transfers which were a little crazy just cuz we´re in a really isolated spot from the mission out here. But my new comp, Elder Chacón, is from Peru. Not mexico, I was way off when I guessed! So it turns out I´m learning some Peruvian spanish instead of Mexican spanish.
He seems like a really good Elder, and he´s a pretty fun guy too. This morning he told me all about his house in Peru. It´s some kind of 3 story building, and his uncle raises fighting chickens on the top floor and trains them for battle hahaha. And that´s not a joke. He told me all about how his uncle raises and trains chickens, or roosters I guess, to fight. That´s illegal in the States by the way if anyone reading is wondering what I´m talking about.
But anyway, it was an ok week, just a lot of time was lost with the transfers and everything. We weren´t able to teach too much. :( Oh yeah, and we found out this week that algas, (no not nalgas :P) got into the water here in the city. (Editor's note: algas means algae, and nalgas means buttocks.) My comp told me what algas are, I forgot to look it up in the dictionary but I´m pretty sure it means algae. So I boiled a pot of water to purify it, but after it cooled down we looked at it and there was gross white stuff that had separated from the water when it boiled so we didnt drink it. Soooo, it´s back to drinking from the little water bottle filter I have. I don´t know I guess I shared that story just so everyone appreciates living in north america a little more :)
Ok well I gotta run family. Talk to ya next week!
Elder Boice
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