(Editor's note: Some of the missionaries were so sick and tired of wearing the same ties for 2 years that they started to burn them in their backyard. Cooper hasn't been out that long but he volunteered to do the job. Here's a picture of him torching one of the ties. He used bug spray with a match to create the torch effect. Makes a mama proud, eh?)
Hey family,
I hope everyone had a great week. It was a pretty good week here in Gualeguaychú. Carnaval is still going strong here since it´s the carnaval capital of Argentina. But its really not a big deal, it just means on Saturday nights we come back to the apartment a little early, cuz theres tons of crazys out in the streets.
So a couple of things that happened this last week were: We had a family home evening with some investigators, and now 2 out of 3 of them have prayed and gotten answers that the Book of Mormon and the church are true. So what could be better news than that right!?
Well, so now that these 2 girls want to get baptized, the grandma has come in to the scene. They live with their grandma. And the grandma, who´s “very religious” doesn´t want them to listen to us any more. Her own words were that her granddaughters were going to repent from listening to the mormon missionaries. We heard all this from the daughter of this grandmother, who was thrown out of her house when she got baptized.So it goes without saying that that was kind of a bummer when we heard that. We asked some other missionaries for advice, and one said “Este género con nada puede salir, sino con oración y ayuno ”. (Editor's note: This kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting). That was kinda funny. But true so we fasted.
We passed by the house a couple of days ago to talk with them, and the grandmother came out really angry. We talked with her for a few minutes and hey what would you know she ended up laughing and smiling, and said we could come back another day, but that she would just listen. So this week we´re gonna go back and see if we can teach her this week.Also we found out that the mother of these 2 girls we´re teaching might be coming to live here and so the 2 girls would live with her again. It´s a complicated story, but it´s cool to see how God works behind the scenes. Because if these girls end up living with their real mom, it should be a lot easier to teach them and for them to get baptized. We definitely saw answers to prayer and fasting this week.
Another cool thing was we were able to give a blessing of health to the 2-year-old kid of an investigator. This little kid has been really sick and even more so recently, so it was kind of painful just seeing him because he was crying and and just really uncomfortable. But when we gave the blessing he was perfectly calm and relaxed and the mom even said she felt his fever go down as we gave the blessing. (he was sitting on his mom´s lap for the blessing). That was a really good experience, I love when we get to give blessings. Actually now that I think about it we gave 2 this last week.
But anyway that´s pretty much all the news for now. It was a good week, but you know what we´re gonna make this week better!! Good luck with everything you´re all doing. Talk to you next week. Hasta luegito familita.
Elder Boice
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