Yay! We finally got our first letter from Cooper! He wrote this the day after he entered the MTC. We're still waiting for him to set up his MTC email account, which they say takes 7-10 days. Until then, here is what Coop has to say:
March 27, 2008
Dear Boice Family, (I thought that was funny that he wrote to us like that)
Last night was my first night in the MTC. Yesterday was pretty crazy, and I hear the next couple days are gonna be crazy too. They say it's like being fed from a fire hose. We woke extra early today, so I have a little time to write before my first class of the day. From now on I'll only be able to wrte on my P-day, which is Tuesday.
I met my companion and I'm in a room with 3 other guys (Elders). They're all great, and there's a great spirit here at the MTC. I met my district yesterday. There's 10Elders in our district either going to Argentina or Costa Rica. Oh, and all 4 of us in my room are going to Argentina, Rosario, which is really cool. I haven't met any other rooms yet that are going to the exact same mission.
Also, if you're wondering, we get to set up email, but it might be up to 10 days before we do that. And I'm just remembering that you guys already heard that.
I hope you guys are all doing ok. I know it's only been a day or 2, but it feels like I'm in a whole different world. I hear this first week will be the slowest in my life, but after that the time starts to fly. Ok, well, sorry this letter isn't too long, but hopefully on P-days I have more time to write so I can give more details. I love you all, and tell Calvin that his letter was extremely emotional. I didn't know you could fit so much emotion on one page. Thank you everyone for giving me letters on my first day! They were great.
Elder Boice
(So that you readers will know, Calvin wrote this really silly letter to Cooper but on the outside of the envelope he said "Beware. This letter will make you cry.")
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