Woohoo! Cooper has finally set up his email account for his mission. They said it would take 7-10 days. Cooper's email address is: cooperman88@myldsmail.net
He'll only be able to get online once a week on Tuesdays while in the MTC, so if you email him you won't hear back for about a week. You can still use www.DearElder.com to write to him and he'll get those letters every day. Here's what his email had to say:
Hey Mom. I really hope this is your address that you still use cuz it seems like you always have about 30 different email addresses.
Well, I finally set up an email account because it's P-day. So I thought I would just say Hi really quick. Apparently we're only supposed to email family. I didn't know that. That kinda stinks. But I just sent a letter home so you should get it soon. I'm thinking you got the last one I sent on Saturday? I sent it Thursday morning. So I'm thinking mail takes 3 days to get there.
Thanks for writing me letters! I can finally understand why missionaries love letters from home so much and I've only been a missionary for a week!
Ok, well it's about time to go eat dinner, so I'm off. Chances are I won't see your reply until next Tuesday, (that is if I'm sending this to the right email address).
I love you, and I hope everything is going well at home! I'm doing just fine here so don't worry. Ok now I need to go eat dinner and then read the DearElder letters that I got today. I haven't read them yet! Adios por ahora!
Your son,
Elder Boice
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