We hadn't heard from Cooper for over a week and began wondering what happened to our dear little missionary, when lo and behold, 2 letters arrived today! YAY! Here's the first one, dated April 5, 2008:
Dear family,
Today is Conference and we don't have any classes today, so I thought I'd take a minute to write.
Everything is still going well at the MTC and I'm learning a lot. I remember one Elder telling me when I first got here that he thought he'd learned more in his 9 weeks at the MTC than in the rest of his life. If that's true, then I'm in for a lot more.
Here's a funny story from last night. We had to set up chairs for Conference so when we got back to our room there wasn't enough time for us to read together like we usually do. We decided to all just share a scripture or thought so we could get to bed on time. I flipped around til I could find something to share, so I ended up talking about Proverbs 3:5 "Trust in the Lord with all thine heart..." After that my companion said "Now I know we were meant to be companions." He was gonna talk about the same scripture. My companion had said the same thing before, and he's right because there's no coincidences in the people we meet, but it was still a funny experience.
Thanks for writing me more than your parents wrote you, Dad. It's really great to have a father that I can look up to who supports me.
And Mom, that's really cool that your speech went so well in Las Vegas. I guess you guys really are moving to Vegas. And I got your transformer that you sent yesterday, along with a suitcase?! I thought that was kinda funnym, and I'm assuming it was your idea mom. :) Thanks though. I can always use it to bring more things home 2 years from now if I don't use it when I gon to Argentina.
Oh! So I sent an email onn my first P-day but I don't know if it was to the right address or if you still use it. I think my email address is cooperman88@myldsmail.net Let me know what email address you want me to send to, because apparently I'm only allowed to email family.
Oh and one more thing. I put it in the email but you might not have gotten the email so I'll remind you (Mom) again. Lauren said in one of her letters that you still hadn't give her that letter I wrote at Tera's house and asked you to give her. I can't remember what I wrote in the letter, but I'm sure it was a really good one! ha ha
I hope you're reading this out loud at the dinner table because if you are I can just see Calvin's face right now, either with an eyebrow raised or shaking his head with a slight smile. ****Trina's note: I DID give Lauren the letter and Calvin DID raise his eyebrow with a slight smile while I read this part about Lauren!****
Ok, well that's all for now. I love you all and my prayers are with you and I hope everything's ok. Adios!
Elder Boice
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