Yay! Another letter from Cooper! Here it is:
"Dear family,
Hola! Today is my first P-day in the MTC. I did my laundry and then we went to the temple which was awesome.
Sorry I had to stop writing for a minute just now cuz one of the Elders in my room broke the heater. I don't know how. I mean he was just jumping up and down on it.
Anyways, the MTC is a great place because you learn so much so fast. I bore my testimony in Spanish on Sunday and we can already pray, meet people, and teach a little about the Gospel as well, all in Spanish. It's great to be here because of the Spirit here, but just like everyone else I can't wait to get to Argentina so we can get to work. The first full day ohere at the MTC seemed like the longest day of my life, but the days are starting to go by faster now.
As I'm writing, a giant slingshot has been built in our room out of elastic work-out bands. But don't worry, we stopped before one Elder thought it would be a good idea to start launching fruit.
Ok, back to the spiritual side of things. I can really feel the gift of tongues (el Don de Lenguas) because I'm learning the language really quickly and I've been able to remember pretty much all the Spanish that I've learned.
We have really great teachers here. Pretty much all of them are really young and have only been off their missions for a few years, which is really cool.
My companion's name is Elder Hatch and we're also rooming with an Elder Facer and an Elder Monson, and we're all from California except for Elder Monson (and no, he's not related to the prophet). One night after we read together we shared why we all came on missions, and we shared some really cool stories. The Elders I'm living with are all great and we're all working hard. We're also all going to Rosario, Argentina. I can't remember if I already told you that in the last letter. Oh, and thanks for all your letters! Tell Calvin I cried for hours after reading his. Well, I love you all and don't worry, I'll be writing every week.
Elder Boice
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