Yay! A great letter for Cooper with tons of details! I sent him a list of 20 questions that I wanted him to answer for me, so before he gives you his answers, I'll provide the question I asked him. Here's what he wrote:
Dear family,
Right now I'm doing my laundry so it's the perfect time to write letters. And I got a letter yesterday with a list of 20 questions, so I better start answering them. I hope you still have the questions so you can see what I'm answering.
1. "Did you get your immunization shots? Did they charge you?"
Yes & Yes. I think I'll go pay for them today.
2. "Did you decide which scripture you want put on your missionary plaque? Brother Holt keeps asking me about that. Which picture would you like me to use?"
John 15:13 'Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends.'
3. "Do you receive these DearElders as a printed letter in your mailbox? Do they seem to get there on the same day we write?"
yeah, they print out the DearElder letters. They print them kinda wierd so sometimes I have to piece them together but I really like it. Usually the letters get to me the same or next day.
4. "Did you receive your box from MissionaryMall.com? You likey?"
Yes and thank you!
5. "Do you have your email account set up yet? If so, what's your address?"
Yes and I emailed you last week but might have sent it to the wrong address. But mine is cooperman88@myldsmail.net
6. "What is your missionary companion's first name? Where is he from? I wanted to write a post on my missionary mom email group and see if his mom is on there."
Mi companero es Elder James Hatch, from Chino, California.
7. "Are you able to go online to see the blog I started for you at scoopdecoop.blogspot.com?"
No, I can't go online. Just to email family. Oh and could you please try to find my little white cord that connects my camera to the computer so I can email pictures from home? I forgot it. Lo siento. *****Trina's note: I did find his cord and will send it in a care package to Cooper this week, so we can finally start seeing the pictures he's taking at the MTC!*****
8. "Do you need anything? Want anything?"
Nope. Don't need anything, but thanks.
9. "Have you listened to all that great stuff I put on your iPod yet? Have you used your iPod speakers yet?"
Yeah, I've listened to it and it's great. It's nice to have music sometimes. Thank you.
10. "Did I already buy you a mosquito netting to fit over your whole bed in Argentina? Do your culture teachers say you'll need one?"
No, and I haven't had any Argentina-specific teachers yet.
11. "Can you receive email attachments, like photos?"
I'm not sure. I wouldn't be surprised if I couldn't but I haven't heard anything about that so you might as well try!
12. "Did you end up buying a backpack or messenger bag in the MTC or is your mission one of the missions that doesn't want missionaries to carry anything because they get robbed so much?"
Yes, I bought a messenger bag. I hear we get robbed all the time, but I'm sure we'll need to bring a bag around with us. *****Trina's note: Gee, great.***
13. "Did you ever pass out those molded chocolates I made for your district? Did you get laughed at for having a wierd mom?"
Yeah, I handed some out but nobody in our room really wants them. I'm not gonna eat anything sweet while I'm hear and and we're helping my companion lost 30 pounds while he's here. That's our goal. Going good so far.
14. "Do you have a calling? Seems to me I was a Visiting Teacher while I was in the MTC. I can't remember if I was a Sunday School teacher too?"
Nope, we don't really have callings. We have a district leader, but that's it so far. Maybe I'll become something later while I'm here. Who knows. I may have to give a talk in Spanish on Sunday though. ha ha
15. "Calvin wants to know how the food is."
The food is pretty good. Everyone has a different opinion on the food, but everyone agrees it has certain 'side effects.'
16. "Brad wants to know how many dates you've been on so far. ha ha"
Tell Bradley I'll be going on the same amount of dates over the next 2 years as he will.
17. "How many times do you go to your mailbox each day? How many letters are you getting every day?"
Someone brings us our mail at lunch and dinner. Letters come at lunch and DearElders usually only come at dinner. (Usually)
18. "What's the name of your district? I was in 'Quetzequatl'."
I'm in District 49B. Not as creative as they used to be I guess.
19. "Do you guys have to take that driving class they used to have? Do the sisters still have that old make-up/etiquette class?"
No, there's not driving class and I don't know about the make-up class.
20. Do you ever read your letters to the other missionaries? I used to read Grandma Darla's letters aloud to some of the other sister missionaries while we ate because she would go into detail about some TV shows that we used to watch together before I entered the MTC. The other sisters loved hearing all of the details, especially when they didn't get any mail. Ok, so let me tell lyou what's been happening on "Dancing With The Stars" since I know you're dying to hear...ha ha"
No, unless there's something particularly funny.
Ok so that's my 20 answers! But I have a question for you. (Mom) I gave my passport to the travel services office today and a lady said they take it to SLC or something. And if I am missing stuff for my VISA they'll tell me what I'm missing. They do passports once a month or something. I don't know exactly how it all works, but I was wondering if you ever got my 3 birth certificates from Georgia. I think I need to get those postaled and signed by some important person or something. I was just wondering if you have any word on that, because I REALLY don't want to be stuck in here longer than I have to be.
Ok well, tell everyone thanks for writing me. Thanks for being such a great family! Tell Calvin, yes I am pretty much a professional now. Are you a ninja yet?
And tell Bradley not to worry about the night vision. It's classified.
And thank you for all of your prayers! I'm sending plenty back your way.
Elder Boice