Buenos días family
Hey so I had a good week. I´m now in the zone “Rosario Norte”. I thought that meant I would be in the city of Rosario. But I´m actually about an hour away from the city (in bus) which I like better.
On Wednesday I travelled from Gualeguaychú to Rosario. Which isn´t that long a trip, like 5 hours, but there weren´t many buses to get there so I didn´t arrive until like 8:00 at night. I met my new companion Elder Joglar, and also Elder Facer was there in the bus station. (I lived with Elder Facer in the MTC, we were in the same room, and now we´re staying in the same pench again, so that´s kinda fun.)
Elder Facer played a joke on me. He told me how Elder Joglar my new comp, just taught a lesson one day and all the sudden started speaking perfect Spanish, and that he can´t speak English very well now. His brain just clicked into Spanish mode. I totally believed him because Elder Joglar looks totally like he´s from the states. Haha but anyway later I figured out that he´s really Argentine. So my guess was wrong. I had assumed that Elder Joglar was an American with 12 weeks in the mission, but turns out he´s an Argentine with 6 weeks in the mission. Cool huh?
Here´s a picture I took like an hour ago with my comp. It didn´t turn out too well, kinda dark, but oh well. This is my new comp! Haha the other day someone thought we were brothers. Then they were surprised when we said one was from here and the other from the states.
So Thursday and Friday we were a threesome companionship because Elder Facer´s comp hadn´t arrived yet. And then things got changed around and they sent him a companion so now everything´s good. In our pench we´ve got 2 americans and 2 argentines now. Everythings always a mix of Spanish and English because Elder Facer still is having a really hard time with the language.
But anyway…Things are going good. I met a few of the members and we found some new people to teach, because right now there are no investigators in this area. We need to baptize some people because my comp hasn´t baptized yet! So we´re workin´ on that.
Let´s see, Saturday night we slept on the roof of our little house. That was kind of fun. We threw our mattresses and stuff up on to the roof and then climbed up the fence to get up. (The roofs are flat here in case you´re wondering how we slept on the roof). But yeah, our fan broke so it would have been really hot to sleep inside. The only problem was we had to listen to a party going on across the street, drunk people yelling etc.
On Sunday I met a lot of the members here. The bishop is funny cuz he´s really excited that I´m here because he speaks english and now he can talk with someone. So I always have to talk with him in english, which is ok, because he needs it, it´s not very easy to understand him in english, he lost a lot of the accent.
Oh one more thing that was funny. Yesterday I got mail and packages. So this morning I opened a package that Lauren sent me, and I thought "what in the world?", because there were DVDs and music and stuff. And me and my companion were laughing thinking she forgot I was on a mission, haha. But then I opened up a DearElder letter from Lauren and she explained that she accidentally sent me the wrong package. She had sent a package to Bryant Rosell in Iraq too, and when he got his package he was wondering why there were so many ties in his hahaha . So anyway, that explained things. Hehe it´s the thought that counts .
Well so that wraps up these last few days. Things are going well. I hope everything´s going well out there too! Talk to you next week, love you all!
Oh and enjoy the pics I sent.
Elder Boice