(Editor's note: We received a package from Cooper this week with our Christmas presents from him! Doggone slow Argentine mail. The best thing in the box was a CD full of pictures of Cooper! YAY! Here's a picture of him and his last companion before he got transferred to the new area. He said he's going to send newer pictures soon. Until then, I now have a ton of older ones to use on his blogs. YAY! Here's this week's letter from Coop.)
Hey there family,
Today I realized I hit 10 months in the mission. Cool huh? Thanks a lot Dad for your conversion story, that was really fun to read. I´m gonna keep a copy with me. But you know what, it´s one of those things that I can use when we´re teaching. Being from the states and being born into a member family kind of makes it harder to relate with all the people down here. It´s kind of like being one of those Elders from the "fabrica" as they say down here (everyone from Utah). But everyone thinks it´s cool when I say that my Dad is a convert, and that he served a mission as well. So thanks for writing me up your story Dad, I´m sure the moment will come when it will help someone out down here.
Well on to this week. We´ve been getting lots of references, especially from one family in our branch which is really great. We´ve been especially focusing on 2 of them. But the goal is eventually to baptize all of them of course!So things are going well with that. But we also had some other stuff going on this week that made it kind of complicated but fun haha.
For starters I´m out of money til the end of the month so that should be interesting. Also ever since the storm last weekend we´ve been out of water. I shouldn´t say out of water because every once in a while we would get some and so we would take quick showers and fill up our water bottles and stuff. And then on Thursday our cell phone died on us. So we have to wait about 2 or 3 weeks before we get that fixed. Til then we just use the phone in the church or a phone booth. Which is kinda funny because since we´re out far away from everything we´re kind of cut off out here. There´s no way for the mission to contact us, so it makes it kind of fun just cuz it feels like we´re more on our own haha.
Which all this stuff I don´t know how bad it sounds, cuz it´s really not that bad, it just makes things more fun cuz we always have little problems we need to fix or work out. But anyway....that stuff kind of slowed us down a little bit this last week, but it was still a successful week. On Saturday we did an activity in the church. We watched The Testaments and it went really well. Everybody cried of course, including the investigators, and us haha. But it was good and I was really happy about it.
Unfortunately on Sunday the worst thing possible happened. Ok not the worst thing possible, but you´ll all think its funny. It rained a little the night before and sprinkled a little bit in the morning. Which is for some reason the Achile´s heel of the church members in Argentina. Only 20 people showed up to church so my companion and I both gave talks in sacrament, then my companion taught the gospel doctrine class to everyone and then I taught priesthood. Also my comp played the piano and I blessed the sacrament. Haha.
I still don´t understand the whole rain thing, what the big deal is here, but oh well. My comp and I got to practice teaching some more. Our investigators didn´t come, but later we found out that they all got ready to go to church with a family in the branch. But when they left the house in the family´s car, the car broke down a block and a half from the house. Noooo!!! Satan´s really working hard, haha we just have to work harder I guess.
Ok well I better get going. I hope everyone has a great week. I love you all!
Elder Boice
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