Hi Family,
Yesterday was P-day but I´m writing today because everything was closed yesterday. Being new years day no one was out and all the stores and cybers were closed.
Well, since I called last week for Christmas I didn´t get to write an email. So I guess I´ll sum up whats been going on the last couple of weeks. But first of all, it was really fun to talk to you all. I didn´t think I sounded different but I guess maybe I do according to Dad. I actually noticed it too because when I was talking to you all I kind of reverted back to how I spoke before the mission. When I was trying to tell a funny version of how I got robbed I realized I kind of lost my ability to play with words. Oh and by the way when I said I started every morning by working out super hard and then eating a bowl of cereal without milk that was supposed to be a joke. Haha
Well I´m looking through all these emails you sent me right now. There´s one with just a bunch of pictures of little kids that are completely horrified sitting on Santa´s lap, and its actually really funny. Also, it sounds like you´re probably all at the cabin right now. I hope you´re having fun! Say hi to everyone for me! I´m still working on those letters to everyone.
Well I guess I´ll tell you about my New Years. New years eve we had to come back to the pench early, at 8:00. And then we just kinda hung out for a while, I can´t really remember what we talked about. But we listened to music and at midnight I heard all the fireworks go off. Sounded like fun haha. The first was P day and no one was outside. We looked for somewhere to do email but it was all closed. We cleaned a lot and wrote letters, then in the afternoon to the night we did weekly planning.
We have a lot of people we´re working with now which is really good. My companion says he´s never had so many people he was working with at the same time in his mission. I said well what do you expect we have the whole city there has to be plenty of people that will listen. It´s fun though, once again it´s way better to have too many people than not enough. Hopefully we see some success really soon.
Lets see, I´m not really sure what else to talk about. The work is going well. Oh yeah yesterday I made a ton of really big pancakes, and we found this little thing of maple extract in the cupboard and directions to make syrup, so we made maple syrup too and it was really good. That´s right Dad, they don´t have death juice in Argentina so we had to make it on our own. Haha, I don´t think I´ll do it again for a while though cuz I felt sick afterward from eating so much. Yuck syrup.
Ok well I need to get going now, but I love you all, and wish you all a happy new year! It´s crazy how fast the time goes. It´s January and in March I´ll hit a year in the mission. Whats going on!!! Haha, love you all,
Elder Boice
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