Here's a picture from zone conference this last wednesday. On the left is Elder Baxter who I haven´t seen since the MTC. Remember you talked with his sister. I asked him about the guy that pulled a gun on him because I remember you told me about that haha. On the right is Elder Hatch , my comp from the MTC! He looks so much different now! He´s lost a lot of weight. But besides that it was way fun seeing him and talking. He´s still super nice and humble just like in the MTC.
Thanks, Mom, for sending all those pictures. It´s always super fun to see pictures of fun stuff going on at the cabin and everything. Sounds like you had a fun weekend. But you scared me talking about sending my "hump day package". It took me a second and then I thought no way I can´t be that close to hitting a year! Which is true it´s still over 2 months away, but I guess you´re right, mail could take a while.
Which reminds me I can´t remember if I said anything or not. About 2 weeks ago I mailed a little package home and it had some pictures and some other stuff. You´ll have to let me know how long it takes to get there. I mailed some little things off to Lauren as well but I´m thinking she may be in China by the time it gets there. By the way thanks for finding that out for me, when she´s going. That´s exciting.
Let´s see I guess I should tell you about my week. Some highlights were: taking cigarettes from an hermano (brother) in the branch, having a zone conference (which was super far away), teaching some good lessons :D , getting new investigators, getting caught in a rainstorm, the power going out in the city, and teaching a lady that got trapped in her outhouse during the rainstorm because a tree fell in front of it. Haha, the rainstorm was on Saturday and my comp and I got soaked. It was pretty intense, it started hailing and we have a weird window/hole thing in our roof and for some reason hail could get through but the rain couldn´t.
I think the zone conference this last week was the best one yet. A lot of changes were made, basically in the way we count things, but it really did make a difference. My comp and I are trying to make a lot of changes in the way we teach. Basically just by being much more straightforward and bold and honest. We learned that all an investigator really needs is to feel the spirit and understand that God loves them and wants them to be in his church. We´re gonna make things a lot simpler and bolder. So I´m pretty excited about that.
Well I don´t really have much more time to write. But it sounds like everyone´s doing ok at home, which is always good to hear. Enjoy the picture I sent, and I´ll talk to you next week!
P.s. I just made another DVD of pictures so I´ll have to send that home in a little while. I love you all!! Have a fantastical week
Elder Boice
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