Hi Coop!
Whew! This has been a super busy week! I wrote you a snail mail letter but haven't had a second to even mail it yet! It'll go out in tomorrow's mail...I promise!
We got a letter from your Maryland Mission President today! That was really sweet of him. Mission Presidents are supposed to write to the parents and send a photo as soon as the missionaries arrive, but I didn't expect him to do that since you're only going to be there a short time. What a great guy! The picture is really good of you too. My scanner doesn't work, so I'll see if I can get Dad to scan it in his computer when he gets back from Las Vegas.
Here's what the letter said:
Dear Brother and Sister Boice:
Elder Boice has arrived safely to the Maryland Baltimore Mission. We are so happy to have him here while waiting for his Visa. This is a wonderful part of the Lord's vineyard with much work to be done to strengthen the wards, branches, and stakes that are in Maryland, Virginia and West Virginia.
This area is steeped in history. It was settled in the 1600's and made a strong contribution to the American Revolution. Annapolis was the seat of the Second Continental Congress. The property to build Washington, DC was donated to the United States by Maryland.
Although there is much American history here, the Maryland Baltimore Mission was created only years ago. The growth of the mission has been gradual over that period of time. Our mission covers the four stakes of central Maryland and one in Northern Virginia and one in Easter West Virginia. A small percentage of our missionaries serve in the city of Baltimore. The missionaries do well and are protected as long as they wear thyeir badges and proselyting clothes. It is one of the favorite places for most missionaries to serve.
Elder Boice will start his mission in the Glen Burnie Spanish area. The trainer, which we call the first companion, is elder Justin M. Kesler, one of our best missionaries. Their address is 214 Crain Court Circle, Apt TC, Glen Burnie, MD 21060.
I trust their companionship will be rewarding to both. We hope they will work hard and live close to the Spirit so they may be guided to those ready to hear the message of the restoration of the gospel of Jesus Christ. It is our prayer that together we can strengthen these wards, branches, and stakes so the Church may be a beacon of righteousness in a world of materialism and decaying values.
Warmest Regards,
T. Dean Moody,
PresidentMaryland Baltimore Mission
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