Cooper says he finally learned how to do a back flip! Cool! He sent pictures to prove it!
Here's his letter from today. I've tried to fix the spacing half a dozen times but it still smooshes all together....sorry!
Hola family,
That's so awesome that Elder Hoynacki, haha I guess it's David now, is back home. I wish I could have been there to see that. I'm definitely gonna have to come and visit our ward in Carlsbad when I get home if we don't live there anymore. And yeah that was pretty messed up that Elder Squires' camera got stolen in the MTC. That's neat that his mom got in contact with you. Thanks for sending her those pictures.
I actually was hoping to go down to Argentina with him but they changed things around a little. :(He's actually probably beginning his journey as I'm typing! Yep, so hopefully I'll be able to start emailing pictures home once I get to Argentina. I'll figure out a way.
Oh and I took a few of our apartment, but it's actually looking better now. Some people came and fixed all the holes in the walls and in the shower. I should have taken pictures of it earlier before it got fixed haha. It's really not that bad, I'm not complaining.
So I'll tell you a little about my week and then I'll tell you when I leave for Argentina! Earlier this week I went on an exchange with another missionary but he came to my area so I had to figure out what to do. I don't know too much since it had only been about 2 weeks, and our appointments fell through, so we did a lot of knocking! And it was a great day. We were able to give 6 Books of Mormon (5 english, 1 spanish), and get 6 return appointments. I don't know what's normal for a day in Argentina, haha but I felt pretty good about it cuz we passed all our goals.
On Saturday we went to a wedding. There's a couple that the english Elders are teaching that is getting baptized, but they were living together so they needed to be married first. So it was just them, us 4 missionaries, and the bishop, and they got married in the bishop's office. We all really like this couple, they're a lot of fun. The wife quit her job so she could go to church on Sundays, and they couldn't afford rings so we got them something special as a suprise. We went and got her a ring, and we couldn't find one that fit the husband, he's pretty big, so we got him a watch. hehe, So now they're married, and they're getting baptized this Sunday, but I won't be there .
(Let's see, another thing we did was we went to the hospital and gave a blessing to a man's wife, who is pretty far into Cancer. That was a cool experience, and I really feel like this man is one of the reasons I was sent to this area. In other news, fireflies are out! YAY! So is that humidity. Yuk.
Ok so now I'll tell you about when I leave. I found out on Sunday that I would be leaving on Wednesday, but since then they've changed it so now I'm leaving this Friday. And I'm kind of bummed cuz I thought I would be able to ride down with Elder Squires and swap our couple weeks worth of missionary stories. Oh well. I guess I'll be able to concentrate on talking to the other people sitting around me now.
Ok so now I'll tell you about when I leave. I found out on Sunday that I would be leaving on Wednesday, but since then they've changed it so now I'm leaving this Friday. And I'm kind of bummed cuz I thought I would be able to ride down with Elder Squires and swap our couple weeks worth of missionary stories. Oh well. I guess I'll be able to concentrate on talking to the other people sitting around me now.
So basically all I know is...I'm leaving Friday, June 13th. I don't know what time. All I know is I head to the airport at about 11:00am. And I'll probably have a layover in Texas. But I'm not sure. So, I don't really know what time I'll be able to call. Sorry I can't give you any better details. But expect a call sometime Friday, probably in the afternoon?. As far as I know I shouldn't have anymore changes in when I leave. Ok, gotta go. Hopefully I'll talk to you in a couple days!
Elder Boice
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