Wow so I just finished typing this email, and accidentally deleted it somehow, so now I'm gonna have to try and type it all over again...
OK, sooo, I'm in Baltimore now! Today is Wednesday, and it's my first P-day. And by the way Mom I couldn't open the picture of Calvin, but I'm pretty sure I can see a picture if it's embeded.
Right now I'm typing at a library, and we have about an hour, but now I have about a half hour left to write since I deleted the first one.
Well, Baltimore is great! Here before I forget I'm going to give you my address:
214 Crain Court Circle
214 Crain Court Circle
Apt TC
Glen Burnie, MD 21061
Yep that's it. Ok so I guess I'll start off and tell you the story since Monday. So on Monday I woke up early and headed off to the airport. There were 3 other Elders in my district who I went with, and a bunch more came with us on the bus. At the airport I got to call home, which was awesome! It was great to be able to talk to my family and to Lauren.
After I called home, I said goodbye to the Elders in my district except for one going with me to Baltimore. We flew down to Baltimore where we met the mission president and some Elders at the airport. I got a new companion who is great, then we dropped my stuff off at our awesomely ghetto apartment, that we share with two other Elders, and the first thing we did was go to a recent convert's birthday party (he was turning 50). That was kind of weird, but after that we went to an apartment complex and talked to some people my companion had talked to before, and we met a lady who was moving and needed some help. We found out she is an inactive member and we talked with her for a little while. She said she was going to call her sister right away (her sister is active) to tell her that we found her, because her sister would be excited. So that was pretty cool.
By the way, my companion and I are the spanish Elders in our area. The ONLY spanish elders. I think he said there's only one more companionship of spanish elders in our zone. So I lucked out! And basically we only teach in spanish so any english people we talk to we just pass on to the other elders.
Lets see so that was my first day. Yesterday (my first full day), was even better. One highlight was we went to see one referral who wanted a BOM. We gave him a BOM and a message and he was really excited about it and really seems like he's ready.
Probably the biggest highlight of the day though was that night I gave a man a blessing. Apparently he says he's having problems with spirits in his house. It was really cool because I had never met the man before and I didn't know hardly anything about him. So it was a really great opportunity, and that's the first time I've ever given a blessing of comfort.
Then earlier today we had an appointment to see another referral who wanted a Finding Faith in Christ DVD. (Yep even on P-day) We went and gave a couple the movie and a Book of Mormon, and it was really great. Afterwards when I asked them if they knew anyone else who would like to hear our message, they said next time we come ( next Martes) they are going to bring a bunch of people over to listen to us. How cool is that!
So anyways, now I'm at the library, we spent some time cleaning the apartment this morning, and we're gonna go shopping for food now. It seems like the work is going really well here. I asked my companion if it's always this good here, and he said he loves getting greenies because they just bring a good spirit and good things happen. Haha, in that case lucky for me I'll get to be a Greenie again in Argentina pretty soon! Ok well I need to go now, I hope I didn't forget anything I should have written.
I love you all, and I hope everything is going well at home!
Elder Cooper Boice
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