Hi family!!!
Well this week was a crazy week but I guess it was a pretty good one. This last week we decided (our District) to do an English fast for the whole week. We always have one on Wednesday, but one Elder who's having a lot of trouble with the language wanted to do an English fast a whole week so we joined him. By the way an English fast just means no speaking English, we're not actually fasting. So that was really helpful I think, it helped a lot.
Let's see, another really cool thing that happened this week was when we went to the Call Center, I got to do outbound calls (calling people who requested free DVDs and things from the church), but in Spanish! That was so scary!! But it was a great experience! I talked to a few people and one family I actually got to send the missionaries over to their house! Haha
Another fun thing this week is I finally learned how to do a backflip. I've wanted to be able to do one on the ground for the longest time and now I finally can. WahoO!
ALSO some big news this week is we got our flight plans!!! We're supposed to leave on Monday May 26. We're flying from here to LAX, then to Santiago, Chile, and then to Buenos Aires. We have about a 4 hour lay-over in LA from 9:20 AM to 1:20 PM. So that is where I should be able to call. Sometime in there. And by the way the trip overall is about 26 hours. And that's not counting the time it takes to get from Buenos Aires to Rosario. Our long flight is 18 hours!
BUT there's a catch to all this. Yesterday we heard that 19 people going to Argentina are being delayed cuz some guy that has to sign some thing is getting surgery or something. SO, we're going to find out who those 19 people are on Wednesday. And there's probably only 50 or 60 of us, I'm not sure. And those 19 people will go stateside for 3 weeks I think. Well I'll find out tomorrow.
In other news, yesterday was a really crazy day. We said goodbye to some Elders going to Mexico (they're getting delayed so they're all going to the Provo mission for a while). Mexico always has Visa problems. Then we taught our last big practice lesson. We also found out yesterday that everyone in our building has to switch to a different residence hall by today, so we moved everything into a room in a new building. It's kind of fun though because we're next to a bunch of Russians now (going to Russia, not Russian). Also a few Elders in our zone left for Spain, so we said goodbye to them last night. One of the Elders is basically HUGE, so we called him Missionary-saurus-Rex. I'll have to send home a picture with him. Yep so yesterday was pretty crazy.
And today I get to go to the Temple for the last time for 22 more months. Pretty crazy. So from your DearElders that you sent me it sounds like things are gonna be so different by the time I get home! You could be in a new house, new job...which sounds like it would be nice actually Dad. Haha I liked how you said it would basically be like semi-retirement if you worked 8-9 hours a day. And Mom you asked why you didn't hear from me last week?? You got my email last Tuesday, did you just mean why didn't you get letters? Well hopefully you've gotten them by now. They should actually get there today.
Ok well that's all I can think of to say for now. I only have a couple more minutes so I need to send this. Oh and one last thing.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you all, Elder Cooper Boice
HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I love you all, Elder Cooper Boice
PS. this should be my last email from the MTC, and i won't get any DearElders after Friday, just a heads up.
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