Dear family,
Hey! I hope everyone´s alright and things are all good in Las Vegas. I´ll give you an update on how my week went.
Hey! I hope everyone´s alright and things are all good in Las Vegas. I´ll give you an update on how my week went.
On Tuesday I did divisions so I spent the day in a different area. It was fun because the Elder I was with was an Elder that I was with in the MTC. It´s always fun being with him but unfortunately we didn´t get in a single door all day, (except for a member who gave us lunch).
On Wednesday we were able to teach a few good lessons to a few good people, so it was a really good day.
We´re teaching a small little family and on Thursday the mom said “I want to get baptized, I´m getting baptized whether my husband wants to or not.” That was cool, but obviously we want her to be able to be baptized WITH her husband. They´re actually not married yet but we´re working on that too. She came to general conference on Sunday with 2 of her kids so that was great. :)
Friday was really fun because we had a special zone conference. Our zone went to the mission home early Friday morning and we spent the day learning how to be better missionaries as well as playing fun games and things learning teamwork and how to be more united. We even watched the movie Remember the Titans. woohoo that´s the first non-church movie I´ve seen in a year haha.
We spent the night in the mission home and the next day we learned some more as well as had interviews. The president has a way of just making you feel great after an interview with him which I love.Right after that we went to General Conference and then after all the sessions at about 11 at night we headed home.
On Sunday we went to conference again but this time we were able to bring some investigators. We went with a lady named Liliana and 2 of her little kids, and it went really well. That family is a miracle that we found them because they basically live out in the middle of nowhere. The only reason we knocked their door was because we were super lost and that house was the only one around.
One of my favorite parts of general conference here is that in between sessions on Sunday everyone just went outside or into rooms and pulled out their "mate" and random snacks and just hung out and chatted waiting for the last session.Yep so that was my week here in Argentina. It was a good one. I hope all of you enjoyed general conference!
Sounds like you have a busy week. The mission is always really busy and tiring but I think I´m eventually gonna have to admit it and accept that there´s no breaks after the mission either. I loved conference. I think my favorite talk was Elder Holland´s about the Atonement and President Monson´s talk about the little german lady who had to dig her children´s graves with a spoon. Crazy huh.
I actually forgot Easter was coming up. Oh and yes at the end of my mission we get to go to the Buenos Aires temple. I´m pretty sure at least. Oh and don´t worry about a new Ipod. That would be really expensive and I really haven´t listened that much to mine in the mission. There´s just plenty of other Elders with good music. Last transfer my Peruvian comp would listen a lot to my Ipod and he found songs on there I had never even heard before.
Lately I´ve just been writing in my journal Sunday mornings, cuz there just isn´t time any other time. At night we come to the apartment at 9:00 or 9:30, and we go to sleep by 10:30. In that time we have to do a half hour of planning, get ready to go to bed, and I have to make phone calls and collect dats from everybody. Thats also our time for dinner, but I already decided theres no time for dinner now, so I think the next dinner I eat might be in the states. Anyway, with all that it´s been really hard to write in the journal :(
Thanks for everything mom and for being so supportive. You´re definitely my number 1 fan . I love you too, thanks for being such a great mom. I´ll be sure to give you a better thanks later if I have a kid that goes on a mission someday. (so that I´ll understand better)
Alright I love you all and I´ll talk to you next week.
Elder Boice
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