Hey family,
Everythings going well here in Argentina like always. I hear things are pretty bad up there in the States, as far as unemployment goes. Another Elder told me in California theres like 12% unemployment. Well what do you know the prophet and apostles were right again.
Everythings going well here in Argentina like always. I hear things are pretty bad up there in the States, as far as unemployment goes. Another Elder told me in California theres like 12% unemployment. Well what do you know the prophet and apostles were right again.
First of all that´s super cool, Mom, that your cousin Emily is getting baptized! YeaH!! Good news is always nice to hear.
Well I´ll tell you all a little about my week. Let´s see, on Monday we taught a family that has a LOT of problems. Man I mean seriously. It´s really hard for people to find work down here too and so the dad of this family is just really worried about getting food for his family to eat. Situations like that are hard. I guess you just say the same things that they said in General conference. Faith. Obedience.
On Tuesday we had our last district meeting for the transfer. I´ll send you a pic of the district. Wednesday was a good day I guess. Lots of walking and looking for inactive families. I´ve learned that every inactive family has the same reason for being inactive. They´re prideful and were offended for some dumb thing. Ok I´m sure not EVERYONE has that reason…
On Thursday we did our planning for the week, but there was one notable event. We were walking on the trail by the street at night and I saw something in the trail and stopped. It was moving slowly across the trail, and it was a HUGE tarantula! Which I had never seen before, well just hangin out in the wild I mean. That thing was almost the size of my hand, and my comp was super freaked out, cuz I told him that tarantulas never travel alone hahaha. I really have no idea but it seemed like a good thing to say.
On Friday I did divisions with an Elder that has like a year and 7 months, and we had a really successful day. We found a lot of really cool people and were able to teach like 4 lessons. On Saturday we had a good day back in my area. We found a cool little area next to the river. There are a ton of little houses built on the slopes next to the river, all with stairs to get to them. That was fun just cuz we had no idea there were people living there, and we´re going back tomorrow to teach there.
Also that night we brought Juan, one of our investigators, to a baptism in a different area. It was for a 9 year old girl, oh yeah I interviewed her on Friday, she´s really cool.
And then yesterday, Sunday, was a great day. I saw lots of answers to fasting, but I´ll tell you about that next week! I love you all!!!
Peace out,
Peace out,
your favorite Elder,
Elder Boice
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