Yay! Another letter from Coop and with a picture! This is a photo of him and his companion who are both going to the Argentina, Rosario mission. Looks like Cooper cut his hair. I'm living for Tuesdays, which is Cooper's P-day in the MTC when he has time to write home. This letter is from the email we received from him today. I had asked him to answer 20 more questions, so I'll type my question first in parenthesis and then show his answer.
Hi family!,
First off I tried to open your last email you sent with the pictures. These computers won't let you open attachments. Oh well.
Ok I guess I better get started on your last 20 questions haha.
(1. Is it really true that you're not going to be able to call on Mother's Day?) Nope I'm not going to be able to call home on Mother's Day. I'm sorry! There's just too many missionaries. But I should be able to call home when I'm in the airport leaving for Argentina.
Do you have your Visa yet?) I haven't heard anything about my Visa, but they don't actually hand it to you until you get on the bus to leave.
(3. Have they told you anything about your flight arrangements to Argentina yet?) We'll probably get our flight plans in about a week. Yeah!
(4. So they really don't have a culture class anymore where you learn all about your country?) I don't think they have a culture class anymore. Or if they do I've never heard of it. But when the Argentine consul came he told us a lot about the country and we got to ask questions.
How many letters do you get every day?)
I usually get 2-3 DearElder letters a day. Except yesterday was the most I've ever gotten in a day because they were built up from Saturday and Sunday!
(6. Does anyone get more letters than you? I can't imagine.) Most of the Elders in our District get more real mail than me because I only get the DearElders usually. The real letters come at lunch and the DearElders come at dinner. And I love getting mail every day! I'm so glad they have the whole DearElder thing.
Since you said you don't have actual mailboxes like we did when I was in the MTC, how do they pass out mail?
You said they did it at lunch and dinner.
How exactly does that work?) Each district has a little mail box. I get the mail for our District so I go pick it up before lunch and dinner and then I pass it out. Probably good that I get the mail so if I get a lot of letters (like yesterday) no one will know.
(8. Where did you hide the night vision goggles? I'm just curious. I promise I won't tell Brad. It's funny how obsessed he is with those right now.) TOP SECRET: haha ok I will tell you where the night vision goggles are but don't tell brad. The only reason I don't want him messing with them are because they are really sensitive and you have to be really careful with them in the light, they can get ruined by the light, and I can see him breaking them, just don't tell him that,shhhhh. Yeah so anyway I stuck them in (THIS PART OF THE LETTER HAS BEEN DELETED!)
(9. How is your health?) My health is good. I'm keeping my answers short cuz I'm already halfway out of time to write.
(10. You mentioned that you started a little exercise routine for some of the other Elders. Don't you guys have PE class every morning? We did when I was there.) Yes but most Elders just like to play basketball or volleyball or something during gym. So there's a few Elders that want to get in shape so they wanted me to do a little workout for them each night. They mostly just want to do abs haha so I have them doing a lot of that each night. It's fun though.
(11. Is Lauren writing you mushy letters or is she being pretty good at writing uplifting letters to keep your mind on the work?) Haha don't worry. Lauren always writes very uplifting and encouraging letters. Gosh I love her.
(12. How many teachers do you have?) We have 2 teachers. We got a new one recently because one of our teachers (who served in Spain) just left because he got a job in Alaska. Pretty cool.
(13. I heard that they put missionaries on the phones to answer incoming calls from media referrals. Do you get to do that?) Yeah when we go to the Call Center ( which is for sure one of the highlights of the week) we get to answer calls when they come (which is not that often) and make calls. Also we do online chats when we get those.
(14. I heard that they video tape you teaching a discussion so you can learn from your mistakes. Have you done that yet?) No they don't video tape you teaching anymore. I forget why, but that's fine with me.
How much weight has your companion lost so far?) They used to have a scale but it broke after the first week we were here! But we're guessing he's lost like 30-35 lbs already. He's being a stud.
(17. Has the prophet come to speak to you guys yet?) NO!!! I wish he would. You would think he would sometime soon...
Have you heard about the new mission president for
Is he in the MTC with you guys right now?) Nope all I've heard is what you've told me.
19. I asked Calvin what questions he has and he said he wanted to know how much weight have you lost or gained?
Your pictures make you look the same.
) Well we don't have a scale anymore...But I think I probably weigh about the same. I made a goal that while I'm here I'm not gonna eat anything sweet. So far so good. And I should be getting in better shape because I wasn't excercising that much the last couple months I was home.
(20. What's the best thing about being in the MTC?) The best thing in the MTC? The Spirit of course!!
Ok there's my answers. I have to go before my time runs out. But, I loved everything you told me about the Siaosi family in your last letters. What an amazing and faithful family! Their faith is creating so much good! I'm really impressed with them and I'm so grateful we get to have them in our ward.
Well it's time for me to go. Until next week. And I only will write 2 more emails from the MTC!!!! YaHOOO!!!!! Thanks for all your letters. I love you all.
Elder Boice