Wednesday, November 18, 2009

November 18, 2009

Hey family,

I don´t think I have too much to report this week. All in order for the most part. ;)

Well I guess I probably always say that but then I go flipping through my agenda and see that there´s always at least something interesting.

I´ll start with last Thursday. The mission wanted all the missionaries to go to the biggests plaza in their city and to sing christmas carols on the same day, the 15th of November. So a few days before, my companion and I went to "city hall" to ask for permission to do something like that in our city. It was kind of funny cuz we ended up having to run all over the place and we spent the whole morning running around and waiting for cunfused city officials to figure out what we needed to do. I think they might have been confused because no one really asks permission to do stuff here in Argentina. Maybe now I understand why haha. So anyway then after that we travelled to a different city in the afternoon to do another baptismal interview.

Friday was kind of a bummer because we were only able to work in the morning because my companion was pretty sick. Not really sick, he gets really bad migraines pretty often and he had a really bad one this day, so we just stayed inside and my companion took some medicine and slept and I just studied.

Saturday was a pretty normal day, then on Sunday in the afternoon our whole zone went to the plaza in the middle of the city. My companion learned some Christmas carols on the guitar so it sounded really good when everyone sang and we had the guitar as well.

Monday was good as well, and then yesterday the assitants to the President came and did divisions with us. That was really fun, I spent the day with one of the assistants who is a little Colombian. We taught a big family which was great. And during the day we had a meeting with all the zone, and an Elder that goes home this weekend made us all a peach cobbler which was amazing haha. I didn´t really like it before the mission but yesterday I ate it and it was amazing! haha

Oh yeah that reminds me Mom. A couple weeks ago I got a DearElder from you that you forwarded me from another missionary mom who´s son is in the Mendoza mission. It was an email about how they got people at the airport to cheer for the new missionaries. Well anyway I thought that was super cool that you sent me that because it was from Elder Squires, we were in the same district in the MTC and he´s a really great guy, it was fun to hear from him. :)

Ok well that´s all for this week. This morning we all played soccer as a zone.  We do that pretty much every P-day. I don´t know that I´m getting any better but at least I can run around for a while.

Love you all! Make this week better than the last one! Oh and I don´t know when Thanksgiving is but it´s gotta be soon. Have a good one whenever it is!


Elder Boice

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