(Editor's note: I was looking for a picture to post with this letter and found this one that Cooper had sent me a couple of months ago. He said it was the view from his front window where he lived in the last city before his most recent transfer. I love the sheep next door!
By the way, Cooper's birthday is NEXT week, October 27th, so if you'd like to write him a birthday letter and email it to me at trinaboice@gmail.com then I'll send it to him in time. Thanks!)
Hi family,
Thanks for the photos and the updates on everything. Looks like fun having the birthday party for Brad and Bridgette, I enjoyed seeing the pictures!
It´s been a fun first week of this new transfer. I don´t think too much has happened in terms of really funny or spiritual stories. But I´ve been getting to know my companion better and listening to his stories which has been really fun/funny. My new comp is Elder Mortensen, from New Mexico. He´s only got like a year in the mission and he´s been a zone leader for longer than me :)
He´s a really good leader, and has lots of talents, really fun Elder. He´s got a pretty interesting life and he´s a really fun Elder. I guess he pretty much dropped out of high school and lived in his truck for a while, and just spent all of his time rock climbing for a good amount of time. He ended up getting things fixed up eventually and he started studying and going to church and everything. The other day we ate lunch with the Bishop and his family, and their 10 year old daughter started playing the guitar. So my comp asked if he could play and he just started playing a couple super good songs. I was impressed.
Well but anyway things are going well. We´ve done 2 baptismal interviews this last week. We have one more today and then 5 more on Friday, our zone is starting out really well. :D
Oh hey and I live in a little house of 4 Elders, and one of the new Elders that came is from Uruguay. I think he´s the only Uruguayan(is that you would say it?) in the mission, and he´s really funny. The poor guy lives like on the border of the mission, right across the Paraná river. A couple of transfers ago when I was in the province of Entre Rios we went to the river one Pday and looked across at Uruguay. I basically saw his house because he lives RIGHT THERE on the other side haha.
Hey mom, your new book looks really cool you wrote that super fast!! (Editor's note: I sent him a picture of the front cover of my newest book. It hits store shelves in November!)
Oh and this last week we had zone conference and I got your package, so I´ve been eating really good! Thanks a ton Mom I really enjoyed (am enjoying still) all the food and especially enjoyed all the letters. I thought that was really cool that Brad sent me his testimony from EFY, and I enjoyed everything that everyone wrote :D
Ok well anyway I think that´s everything for now. I love you all! and have a great week!!!
Elder Boice
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