(Editor's note: Check out these funky Argetine keys in Cooper's hand! By the way, I created another web site where you can see Coop's photos, letters, an Argentine real-time clock, a mission countdown and more! Check out www.missionsite.net/cooperboice )
Hey family,
Another good week in Argentina with my hijito (little son). We had a zone conference this last Tuesday, and we focused on planning. I really liked a quote they told us. That some people are born natural teachers, some people are natural artists, or athletes. But no one is born a natural planner. Haha I don´t know if it´s true or not but I liked it.
On thursday I did divisions with the zone leaders. So I went to their area with one of them to work for the day. I really liked it, and it was funny how different their area is from the area I´m in. There´s a lot more villa, and there´s always a bunch of people in the streets.
Also right now I´m in an internet place (cyber) in their area because todays a holiday here so everythings closed in our area. Argentina is funny.
But anyway, the only other notable event I can think of was that on Sunday we did splits with the bishop and another member and went by less active families, and we found a few good ones. Well, I´m not really sure what else to say, I can´t think of anything right now. NO, nevermind. I just remembered...
One of the Elders in the apartment had to leave and go stay in the mission home because he has knee problems, and so they sent us a mini-missionary. A kid from Rosario thats gonna be a missionary for like 3 weeks. A "mini-mission". I don´t know if they have that in the states.
But anyway, things are going well here and we´re just trying to find more people to share the gospel with. I hope you´re doing well at home. Send my love to Gary and all the Duncan family for me. I can´t be over there but they are in my prayers.
I love you all and I´m really grateful to be here as a missionary. Keep being a great family. I´ll just be down here trying to do my best during these best 2 years ;)
Elder Boice
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