Hey family,
I only have about 15 minutes then I have to be out of here so we can start working on time. Usually we do internet early in the morning but today we didn´t so now I´m super short on time. I had wanted to email Brad and Calvin too but sorry gonna have to wait til next week! I would email Bo too but I actually don´t have his email address. Does he have one?
Well I had a good week though. Actually a really good week. My new companion Elder Gilbert is really great, and after my last comp I really appreciate having a comp that works and is obedient and everything. And since I´m short on time, I´ll just talk about the highlight of the week.
My highlight was an appointment we had with our investigator Gonzalo. I sent a picture home of him, he´s the one that just got married. So we taught him a lesson about baptism because he´s ready now, and he was going to pray about it that night but he didn´t. Said he couldn´t find time alone to pray. So when we found out he didn´t pray, we talked to him, and it was kind of funny cuz I shared a funny old Chinese proverb with him. At least I think it is, I have no idea when or where I heard it. But it goes something like, "If hungry man waits with mouth open for eternity, eventually roasted peiking duck will fly into his mouth. But it could take a long time." I changed it a little to make it Argentine, but he got the gist of it. Basically you have to make time to get things done. If he wants an answer he has to go get it.
So what we did is we kneeled down with him then and there in the room with his wife to pray. And Gonzalo said a great prayer. And the Spirit came into the room and afterwards we asked him how he felt and if he thought he received his answer. He said yes. So he´s gonna get baptized this Friday. Yeah!! Our branch has a temple trip saturday so we´re doing the baptism on friday. So that´s my good news for the week. :)
Well I´ve got to go now. Chao familia. Love you. Stay strong and have faith :)
Elder Boice
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