Hey Family,
So I had my first baptism this last week. That was way cool. But I think I actually liked the confirmation on Sunday even better than the baptism. Even though there was food at the baptism ;) just kidding
Haha, but yep so that´s pretty much the exciting news for the week. Besides that, not much I don´t think. Encounters with cucarrachas, the weather heating up, running at night to get home on time. haha. I guess I can talk about the baptism a little though. We have a meeting every week with our ward mission leader so we were gonna plan the baptism with him. But he didn´t show up again so my comp and I just planned it. Lol seriously, people that go to church in the states have no idea what the condition of the church is down here. And vice-versa. It´s sooo different. Today I was talking with some other Elders whose bishop went and visited Utah. And it blew his mind when he saw what the church is like in Utah. Now he wants to move there haha.
But anyway. We asked members to speak, bring food, etc. We asked 2 members to give short talks and we had a back-up as well. But at the last minute they all couldn't come of course, so my comp just spoke. It was a good experience though and we had a few members come. My comp and I brought a cake that we made and the wife of the guy that got baptized brought some cake and soda as well. Funny note: the 2 baptisms I´ve seen here in Argentina, more people always appear afterward exactly when the food comes out. All in all it was good.
Today was fun too. We celebrated Thanksgiving as best we could. We had a turkey bowl. Some Elders bought a small rugby ball (you can´t find footballs down here), and we had a football game on the beach of the ParanĂ¡ river. Right next to a little villa shack that someone had built. After we went to a restaurant. And I mean a REAL restaurant. Way expensive!! Well not if you convert the price to dollars but for here it was way expensive. I had a steak and french fries.
Soooo... Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!! And be sure to eat some pumpkin pie for me :D
And I´ll talk to you next week! Let me know how Thanksgiving was. Oh but that reminds me! I wanted to ask (Mom) if you could tell me how to make cinnamon rolls. The other day I remembered cinnamon rolls and it just sounds amazing. Ok have a great week!
Elder Boice