Hola familia mia,
Well I had a great week. I hope you all did as well. Sounds like Brad and Dad had a fun scout activity and Bo had fun at Bridgette´s party. Thanks for sending me emails everyone!
Well so this Tuesday I left Paraná on an emergency transfer and went to Santa Fe (city across the river). So I´m not too far right now. Actually this Thursday I´ll be back in Paraná for the day because we´re having a really big special Zone Conference, a bunch of zones are gathering in Paraná because Elder Civic (a Seventy) is coming. So that should be really fun. And also that´s a couple days before my birthday so hopefully I´ll get the stuff you sent when I´m at at the conference. :)
But back to this week. I can´t really remember what I said last week in my email, but now I´m in Santa Fe in an area called Barranquitas. It´s a tiny area, and my companion is Elder Cepeda (and he´s not so tiny). Haha chiste.
But yeah my comp is from Argentina so it´s super fun and I hope I´m able to have latin comps the rest of my mission. I´m improving with the language (I hope), but what helps the most is just learning how he gets along with the people. We had a good week and a great Sunday.
Oh yeah, my comp has something wrong with his back, so we have to walk super slow everywhere. And I´m also going to kill him this transfer. Haha and I don´t mean that literally, I mean it in missionary terms, meaning he goes home at the end of this transfer. PS yes he´s a little trunky.
Yep so I met a lot of the members in our branch. We have about the same number as my last area, except this is a branch and my last area it was a ward. We have a couple people we´re getting ready to be baptized, so that´s awesome. But I think the most amazing thing that happened this week was yesterday. We had 10 investigators in church! That was amazing! The most we ever got in my last area was 2! (and that was conference weekend). So that was super exciting, but my comp said the most he has seen here was 6 one Sunday. So we´re gonna have to work hard to keep the momentum going. It seems like a great branch. We actually have a ward mission leader here, and even a ward missionary. How cool is that! Mucho exito está por venir. (A lot of success is about to come!)
Well, I hope everyone has a great week. I´ll be sure to have a great one here. :) Oh one more thing that I just remembered cuz I thought it was funny. My comp is gonna be going home to España, because his family moved on him during his mission. hmmm, kinda sounds familiar, jk. But for some reason a song from Spain popped into my head yesterday so I sang it for him. Haha, Mom do you remember teaching me that song that the little kids would sing on your mission? You taught it to me when I was a little kid, and yesterday I remembered it. You know the one, "Yo tengo moco..." (Editor's note: Yes, I remember! It's a song about boogers that kids in Spain would sing when I was on my mission there! I thought it was pretty funny and when I taught it to Cooper as a little boy he thought it was hysterical.)
OH! one more thing. I need to know your new phone number, and the name of your new ward, so I can give the information to the offices. They said thats all they need, and the new address but I already have that. Ok ttyl family,
Elder Boice
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