Well it´s been another good week in Argentina. We had interviews with the Mission President this week. So that was good. It´s fun to be able to talk one on one with someone who will probably end up in the Quorum of the Seventy or something.
It seemed like this week was slow-going for some reason. But we did have some real success. We taught some good lessons to good investigators, and got a good investigator to come to church yesterday. He showed up holding a pack of cigarrettes so we´ll have to work on that, haha.
He´s a really funny guy though just because he has a pretty typical life for a guy his age living here. He´s 30, lives with his parents, doesn´t really do anything, just mostly wanders around and plays soccer. My comp always asks him, "¿Como está el dia? ¿Dando vueltas por la calle?" He´s a great listener though and he´s always really into it when we teach him.
We´ve actually got some good investigators now that we´re teaching, so that makes things a lot more fun. I´m trying to think of something interesting that happened during the week. All that really comes to mind is cleaning our shower a few days ago. We have a bucket shower, which is basically a bucket attached to the wall that fills up with water and has a heat coil inside to heat up the water. And then a little spout/shower head thing that you turn and the water comes out.Ours has been leaking really bad,(by the time the water is heated up a fourth of it is gone), so a couple days ago we decided to fix it.
We got Elder Ritchie to rip it off the wall cuz he played football. Haha ok we didnt just rip it off we unscrewed it. But when I started to turn it sideways to reach the screw that holds it to the wall, all this nasty brown and black water and stuff came pouring out of the top. Pretty gross. So first my comp cleaned out the bucket and scraped out some of the rust. Then I tightened the shower head where it was leaking and put some sealing stuff around it. Now it´s good as new!Lol well I just thought that was funny because now we know why the shower water always smells so bad. I guess we have been cleaning off with the dirtiest water we have.
I´m not really sure what else to say for this week. Haha I know! I can give some motivational words to Cal, Brad, and Bo for why a mission is so awesome. Especially in South America! There are many great reasons:
1.You never have to load and unload the dishwasher (cuz you don´t have one).
2.You don´t have to learn how to use a clothes washer or dryer! (cuz we don´t have that either).
3.You get to choose whatever you want to eat, all the time! (cuz you get to make it). Actually all that stuff is way fun. Haha maybe it wouldn´t be so fun if I was living down here permanently.
Oh and Mom in one of the DearElders I recently got from you you said that it must be really pretty down here since I´m right on a river. You´re such a joker Mom. Haha jk. Well, I haven´t really seen much of the river here because my area doesn´t touch it. But I´m pretty sure on Google earth the river would look kind of a brownish yellow color. I don´t think I would eat a fish here to save my life.I should take some pictures of the little streams and rivers in my area though. They´re all completely filled with garbage and sewage. I need to just take a picture though because when I say filled I really mean it, it´s everywhere. I always think about how beautiful this country would be about 100 or 200 years ago, before all the industrialization and commercialization got to it.
I´m sure there are beautiful areas all over Argentina. But from what I´ve heard Rosario is the armpit of Argentina. Maybe that´s why the Argentine consul at the MTC forgot to mention Rosario.Well that´s about it for today. I´m out of ideas of what to write about for now.
Oh but for Mom, Lauren says not to forget to tell you that you are amazing, which is true! And I hope your hand starts to feel better Mom, sorry about that. (Editor's note: I broke my hand a year ago and fell on it AGAIN 2 days ago...I'm such a klutz.)
For Dad, I hope your new job is going well. And good luck with moving and everything. I know it´s got to be stressful. But you´ll be in my prayers.
For Calvin, keep up the good work, congrats on all the scholarships and being an adult now, haha. And I can´t wait to find out where you´re gonna be living and what classes you take and everything at BYU.
For Brad, I´m sure you´re having fun playing videogames and everything, have a fun summer! In Las Vegas...hehe. We moved to Carlsbad in the summer before my 8th grade year. And I thought it was way fun starting over at a different school and everything. I missed my old friends but it was fun and I was glad we moved. Remember there´s a reason for everything.
For Bo, thanks for writing me a letter! It sounds like you have been having fun at Legoland and everything. I´m always suprised at how well you write. I hope you have a fun summer too! They go by faster the older you get so enjoy it!
Mom I´ve been waiting to see if you are at your computer, but I guess not. Don´t worry I know you´re super busy. But one thing I wanted to ask is can you please tell me Michael Montgomery´s address? I don´t have it written down anywhere with me. Thanks!
Love you all
Elder Boice
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