Hey family,
Hope everyone had a good week. That email you sent about the adventure cruise with guns was pretty funny. My comp and I both got a good laugh.
Well so today we got transfers (that´s why I´m writing on a Tuesday) but everything is staying the same so no news there. (Editor's note: attached is a picture of his current district. Cooper says Argentines think it's funny when Americans do the "thumbs up" sign, so I noticed that Cooper does that in almost every picture.)
I´m excited that I get to stay here though. We should have a really good transfer these next 6 weeks. Besides baptizing we´re gonna be getting in better shape and my comp is gonna improve his spanish a lot (we really need to be speaking more spanish when it´s just the 2 of us.)
But I guess I´ll catch you up on the last couple weeks. There´s a couple cool stories I don´t think I mentioned cuz I was hurried when I emailed last week. The first thing was the week before last. Just a small thing but I thought it was cool. When we go out I never bring DVDs with me but one day right before we left I felt like I should grab the DVD of the Restoration. So I grabbed it, put it in my bag, and we went. That night we went by a less active lady we hadn´t visited before, and we shared a message with her and right before we left she asked us if we had a DVD from the church we could bring her to watch with the rest of her family. I said Yeah here it is right here. I think I was more surprised than she was that I had it with me haha.
Then this last week we had a good experience. I think it was last Friday night. Basically everything we had planned fell through and we had an extra hour the last hour of the night. (That doesn´t happen much) so we decided to just knock some houses. And the 3rd or 4th house when the door opened up they looked really excited to see us and asked us if we were looking for Flabia. “Flabia? No but we´d love to meet her”. :) So the lady came out and it turns out she is a member but I had never seen her in church before. She told us that she was really happy because she really needed us to come by.
This Sunday she came to church and ended up bearing her testimony so we got the full story. Basically we showed up at the perfect time when she really needed help from the church and didn´t know what to do. Apparently earlier that day her mom had said "How weird, its been a long time that the Elders haven´t come", and she told her Mom, (Dentro de un ratito van a andar) "They´ll come by in a little bit." So when we got there we ended up giving 2 blessings to the little sisters of this Sister. Good experience.
Well and besides that, this last week I finished the Book of Mormon for the 3rd time in spanish and I had a guy tell me he couldn´t tell by my accent that I was from outside. YAY!! first time that´s happened, haha.
Ok well that´s all for this week. I love you all, talk to you again next Wednesday. Chao!
Elder Boice