Hey Mom, Dad, Calvin, Brad, and Bo,
I hope you had a good father´s day and a good week. I spent a little under an hour to send some pictures so I don´t really have any time left to write.
This week we had some good lessons and I got to know better the branch president and some members as well. 2 sundays ago there was a satelite transmission from two of the apostles to Argentina. We couldn´t see it cuz we don´t have a satelite here in our town. But someone recorded it in a city 2 hours away and was going to bring it to us to watch this last sunday but never made it, so my companion and I and the branch president just spoke on Sunday haha. So who knows when we´ll get to see what the apostles said to Argentina but I really want to know.
We did divisions the last couple days with the other Elders in our district. It was fun, I went to their area for a day and a night and was with a Peruvian Elder. He really reminds me of a lamanite haha. But he´s pretty funny and tried to speak english the whole time so hopefully it was a good experience for him.
There´s some really cool investigators in their area too. But anyway, it´s been a good week. It´s been cold and muddy the last few days, but it warms up a little in the afternoon if it´s sunny. No more news for now.
I love you all! Have a great busy week in all your different places!
Élder Boice
Élder Boice
(Editor's note: Cooper said he was really excited to finally have a fireplace in his apartment, especially now that the winter has started in Argentina. He used to just light a fire in a dish on the floor! This is what he wrote in spanish about it, for those of you who speak spanish: Mi compañero sacó una foto conmigo sentado en frente de la chimanea. No sé por qué. Quería madarles una foto de algo y nunca tenía una chimanea antes así me parecía jolla/fierita/copado/cool mandar una foto de eso. ¡Disfrútensenlon! Did I ever tell you that that´s how they talk here?)